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Grayson 'Ace' Valentine III
[ sun, jan 8th 1:11 PM ]
Aunt May's - Diner

Grayson 'Ace' Valentine III[ sun, jan 8th 1:11 PM ]Aunt May's - Diner

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Ace sat beside Zolina in their usual booth at Aunt May's. Other than celebrating New Year's at his club, it had been a while since they actually went out anywhere together.

It was almost as if she was dodging him.

Anytime he asked to see her, she wanted to stay in; whether it was at her apartment, or his condo. Sometimes, she would spend entire days in her gallery— planning for its opening in March.

"You think of a name for it yet?" Ace asked.

"Might just go with Zo's—" Zolina paused. "Or maybe 'Casso's."

"'Casso's?" He cheesed at her. "That's fly."

"I know." She smiled back. "Some nigga gave me the nickname. Kinda stuck."

"Some nigga, huh? Word." Ace chuckled, before a comfortable silence fell over them.

While she finished her peach cobbler, he slipped his hand into her sweatshirt and rubbed on her chest; for old times sake.

"What you doin' later? You busy?" He wanted to bring her somewhere else other than just a place to eat.

A museum, a movie. Something.

"Actually..." Zolina trailed off, putting her fork down.

"Painting don't count." He shook his head. "You can take a lil' break."

"I know." She laughed. "It's not that. Um, I kinda have a date."

...A what?

Ace was trying to gather his thoughts before spitting out the first ones that came to mind.

The fuck you mean you have a date?

"Oh, word?" He tried sounding nonchalant. "I ain't know you was talkin' to anybody."

"I wouldn't say all that." She shrugged. "First time he's asking me out."

He, who? Nah, don't even ask th—

"Who is he?"

"His name is Eli." She informed. "He works at the Garden, with Gwen."

"Oh." He scoffed. "So you been talkin' to this nigga?"

Ace was trying not to show how bothered he was, but his sudden change in attitude gave it away. He took his hand out of Zolina's shirt, causing her to sit up straight and turn to face him.

His mind went to the week that they didn't talk after Thanksgiving, and then to when he saw her with a new tattoo. Dots started to connect.

"Not been." She frowned a little. "We exchanged numbers when I brought Gwen in to meet Roxy. We've talked a few times."

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