14 | bury your blossoms

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Zolina 'Zo' Smith
[ mon, nov 21st 9:46 AM ]
The Hamilton Residence

Zolina 'Zo' Smith[ mon, nov 21st 9:46 AM ]The Hamilton Residence

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(9:48 AM) 555-027-****:
can you talk to me?

Fuck. You.

Zolina proceeded to block yet another random number, before deleting the message thread and setting her phone down on the kitchen table.

Craig was still trying to get in touch with her, and she wished that he would just take the hint.

She was at the Hamilton home for breakfast; a final send off before the twins flew out the following day. Thanksgiving was nearing, and Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton managed to snag the most lavish Airbnb in Wyoming to host their extended family for the holiday.

"I broke up with Marcus!" Miracle blurted out, causing Zolina and Trinity's jaws to drop.

"What?" Zolina asked. "Why?"

Miracle took a sip from her mimosa and sighed, "Well, you guys know he's a poet, right?"

They nodded, recalling when they all met Marcus for the first time at an open mic night months ago.

Being writers, he connected instantly with the twins. Miracle eventually became his muse, and then something more.

Miracle explained that the downfall of their relationship was Marcus overstepping his boundaries, by questioning her style and genre of writing. He wanted her to focus on 'real' life, and tried to convince her that writing fiction was a waste of her talent.

The twins were very headstrong about their writing— as most creatives are about their work. Which is why it stunned Zolina to learn that Miracle was allowing someone to downplay her craft.

"I know if I told you guys the shit I was letting him say to me, y'all would have told me I was crazy. Especially Trin..." Miracle continued.

"Mhm." Trinity hummed, taking a bite of a strawberry.

"But like, you know when you just need to figure out that you're crazy on your own? I really had to look in the mirror one day like, bitch!" Miracle slapped her thighs as she spoke passionately.

"You're really gonna let this... Common ass looking nigga, hotep from that episode of 'Girlfriends' ass nigga, make you second guess yourself? Oh, hell no."

"Not too much on my baby, Common." Trinity pouted before they all bursted into laughter.

The women praised Miracle for her epiphany, and Zolina found herself feeling slightly envious about how seamless that break up went in comparison to hers.

"So this was strictly about Marcus being a goofy, right? Not about a white boy with some baby blues?" Zolina raised an eyebrow.

"Girl." Miracle cleared her throat and avoided her friend's questioning look. "Luc and I are barely acquaintances."

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