09 | the starving artist

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Zolina 'Zo' Smith
[ wed, nov 16th 6:31 PM ]
Town Square Apartments

Even though Zolina knew that Ace didn't do relationships, she sure felt like she was in one

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Even though Zolina knew that Ace didn't do relationships, she sure felt like she was in one.

She never had a male friend— hell, she never had a boyfriend, that treated her the way that he did.

He was consistently chivalrous and paid for everything, he constantly flirted and touched her— not that she stopped him.

Trinity and Miracle sat cross-legged on her bed, passing a bottle of wine back and forth in between sips.

The three of them had a girls day that was filled with manicures and massages, and now, Zolina was getting ready for her 'not-a-date' with Ace.

She was trying to shoo her friends out of the apartment before he arrived, but they were too focused on interrogating her.

"Where is he taking you this time?" Trinity asked.

"And in that fancy ass dress?" Miracle added.

"This is not even fancy, stop it," Zolina protested.

"Don't dodge the question," they said in unison, causing a shiver to roll down Zolina's spine.

Ugh, that creepy twin shit.

She rolled her eyes, "An art gallery."

"Well, damn," one of them mumbled.

"What?!" Zolina spun around. "Us three go to art galleries all the time."

"Yeah, but we don't be taking you out to eat every night," Miracle said, her slightly judgemental gaze looking Zolina up and down.

"Or take your ass to and from work," Trinity chimed in before setting her full lips into a cheeky pout.

Zolina playfully shrugged, "Not my fault he's a better friend than y'all."

Miracle laughed dramatically, "I'm still stuck on you thinking y'all are just friends."

Silence filled the room as Zolina struggled to work on a rebuttal. Maybe she did have a little crush, but how could she not? Every woman he looked at probably did.

But she knew that it didn't matter. Zolina couldn't change the way things were, so she had a cap on her feelings instead.

Plus, if she was being real, she was still healing from Craig.

She had yet to confront how what she went through with her ex made her feel. He kept trying to get in touch with her, but she was dodging the closure and his persistent calls.

Her thoughts were silenced by knocks at the door, and Miracle hopped up to answer it with Trinity following close behind.

"And after you let him in, please let yourselves out!" Zolina yelled out.

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