23 | the apology

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Zolina 'Zo' Smith
[ sat, dec 3rd 2:09 AM ]
Vertex Condos

Zolina watched Ace in the elevator as he examined her newest tattoo

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Zolina watched Ace in the elevator as he examined her newest tattoo. He traced over the wood handles of the brushes, the bristles, and then the ribbon.

"This is fire." He complimented. "Indi rubbing off on you, huh?"

"And you." She said honestly, making him smile.

"Did it hurt?" He asked.

She nodded, "A little bit."

Ace lifted her forearm and caressed the sides of it. It momentarily triggered a thought of Eli— from Garden of Eden, but nothing could compare to Ace's touch.

He brought her arm up to his lips and kissed along the fresh ink, giving her butterflies.

When the elevator opened to his condo, Ace gestured for Zolina to go ahead of him. As she headed down the entryway hallway and into his living room, the sight of something made her stop in her tracks.

He didn't...

"I know you into the old school, wooden shit..." He said from behind her. "But I felt like you deserved sum'n a lil' prettier than that."

In the middle of the floor, stood a gold plated, convertible easel, adorned with a red bow. It had an antique, decorative style, modernized by a built in palette and overhead light.

Holy shit.

"I— Wow." She said, nearly speechless as she ran her fingers along the details of its frame. "It's beautiful, Ace. I love it. Thank you so much."

"You welcome." He took her hand. "C'mere though."

Zolina was brought into the kitchen and guided to stand in front of the island that was covered with more gifts.

A stack of new canvases that ranged in different sizes and shapes. Packages of the most expensive paint brushes, handmade from kolinsky sable. And bottles of her favourite oil paints in practically every colour.

There was also another large bouquet of long-stemmed roses, but red.

Holy fucking shit.

The supplies were costly— and probably didn't even make a dent in Ace's wallet, but Zolina was still overwhelmed.

"Ace..." She said as he leaned on the island, watching her look at everything.

"Did I get all the right stuff?" He scratched his neck nervously. "I know you super picky 'bout yo' brushes."

"Yes." She nodded. "Everything's perfect. More than. You didn't have to—"

"Stop. I'on wanna hear that. No, 'Ace, I can't take this, it's too much', bullshit." He mugged her. "I wanted to do this for you, so I did. And this ain't nothing... You deserve more, 'Casso."

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