For Whom the Bell Tolls

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Dinner had long since concluded by the time Kate worked up enough courage to traverse the palace halls to Yelena's quarters. Though she was Yelena's guard and a close confidant, Kate feared how it may look should she sneak to the princess's room under the cover of darkness. So, she waited anxiously until most of the palace's inhabitants retired for the evening before knocking quietly on Yelena's door. The blonde quickly tugged Kate inside, shutting the door firmly behind her.

Neither dared to speak first. Kate watched as Yelena paced, her calm and calculating exterior crumbling. For the first time since Kate's return, Yelena seemed anxious, not in control.

"Your Highness," Kate ventured quietly, "I need you to tell me what exactly is going on."

Taking a shaky breath, Yelena paused her nervous steps in front of her window. "That's the problem, Kate. I honestly don't know."

"What has Pietro said? And your mother?"

"My mother..." She shook her head with a scoff. "My mother is crippled with grief. My sister is blinded with love. I feel like I am the only one who cares. Like I am the only one standing between my kingdom and destruction."

The blonde sniffled, and upon stepping closer, Kate realized a few tears ran down the princess's face. Tentatively, Kate tapped Yelena on the elbow and opened her arms, and surprisingly to Kate, the princess entered them, laying a tear stained cheek against the cool metal of Kate's chest plate.

"Lena..." Kate began after the blonde calmed down a bit. "Please, tell me what you know. I just want to protect you. And the kingdom."

Yelena nodded, stepping back. "Well, you're right about Pietro. He isn't just a commoner, he isn't a court jester, he's a spymaster, the spymaster. He keeps a low profile to protect himself, but he has spies all over Galon."

"Okay, what else? What have his spies said?"

"He's told me that his spies report no more rioting, no more upheaval amongst the common people, and I believe him, I just..."

"Go on, Yelena."

"I don't know... it's like he's a bit too eager to give those reports that everything is fine. And I have no way of confirming his reports unless I travel the kingdom myself. He holds a lot of power, Pietro. Probably too much."

"Are you suspicious of him?"

"I think so, yes." Yelena bit her lip. "Not many know this, but he and Wanda aren't from Galon. They hail from Ledas."

Kate's eyebrows shot up. "Ledas? As in, King Draykov's territory?"

"Yes. Have you noticed their accents when they are angry, or drunk?"

"Does Natasha know this?"

"No, and she won't. Honestly, I don't think Wanda is involved, and I'm not even sure about Pietro. It's more of a hunch at this point."

"And what's your hunch, Your Highness? I want to hear you say it."

"That..." another steadying breath, "that Pietro may have killed my father. And if he did, there will be war."

Kate nodded, resolute. "Alright then."

"You're oddly calm about this, Kate Bishop."

"Just want to know what I'm up against."

Satisfied, Kate turned to leave, hand on the iron doorknob, when Yelena interjected, "Kate, wait. I think you should... stay. You know, for my safety. I've got a spare mattress, you know."

Suppressing a smile, Kate dutifully bowed. "As you wish, my Princess. For your safety, of course."

"Of course."


The next morning, Kate awoke to a serene chorus of songbirds outside Yelena's ajar window. The calm choir juxtaposed the tension in the room, with both the political and personal situations unfolding.

"How did you sleep?" Kate asked, standing and stretching, fingertips brushing the ceiling. Her white undershirt rose with her stretch, and the brunette withheld a comment on Yelena's stare. "Princess?"

"Hm? Oh, I didn't sleep."

"At all?"

"Maybe two hours."

"That's not nearly enough."

"I'll take what I can get these days." Yelena handed Kate her arm guards, complete with golden accented daggers. "What is it?"

"What do you mean?"

"You keep looking at me with those puppy dog eyes, like you are sad."

"I do worry about you."

"No time for worrying today, Kate Bishop," she said, giving Kate's chest plate a tap. "Today, we save the kingdom, and we get my sister engaged."

"Natasha is proposing today?" Kate asked, hurriedly following Yelena out into the bustling palace halls. The heavenly smell of muffins wafted, staff darted about hauling trays of food and racks of armor, nobles chatted reservedly in the morning calm. Castle life was starting to slow down again for Kate, no longer as manic and stressful, simply busy.

She trailed Yelena down a winding spiral staircase to the palace's central courtyard, a sprawling, lush garden. Rose bushes bloomed, friendly bees buzzed, a light breeze blew, and Kate could not help but feel excited for the young couple. In the courtyard, Wanda and a visibly excited Natasha sat at a white wooden table set with brunch. As Yelena and Kate made their appearance, Natasha pulled her younger sister to the side, leaving Kate with the apothecary.

"Fine morning, isn't it?" Kate tried, glancing absently toward the sky.

"Indeed." Wanda took a sip from her fine tea cup. "Natasha's acting a bit strange, don't you think?"

"Not more than usual." Kate took a seat beside the older woman with a shrug.

"By the way, you haven't seen Pietro today, have you? Can't find him anywhere."

"Pietro? No, I haven't. Why?"

Wanda smiled slightly. "Well, Natasha isn't very subtle. I know what this is. Was kind of hoping Pietro could see it."

Kate just nodded, watching attentively as Natasha walked stiffly back over to her lover, making sure her deep sapphire suit had no wrinkles before offering Wanda a hand.

"Wanda, my love..." Natasha began softly, kissing Wanda once on the forehead. "You are my sun and my moon, the stars in my sky. You are my respite in the storm that is my life. I cannot believe I have had the privilege of loving you for so long, and all I want is to love you for eternity." The redhead dropped to one knee, an earnest smile gracing her soft lips. "Darling, will you marry me?"

Wanda's eyes were wet with emotion, her voice strained as she responded, "yes, dear, of course I will," before yanking Natasha back to her feet and meeting her in a passionate kiss. "You're everything, Natasha."

"I may be the princess here," Natasha laughed, giddy in her euphoria, "but you are my queen."

Yelena whooped loudly, and the few other nobles that populated the courtyard joined in, clapping and exclaiming as Natasha swept her fiancée off of her feet and carried her back toward the palace.

"Tonight, we feast!" Natasha shouted. "Extravagance abounds! We're having a ball!"

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