Inner Circle

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"Bishop? Are you even listening to me?" Natasha asked the other woman, laying flat on her back on the wooden bench. The courtyard, currently occupied by Yelena, Pietro, Natasha, and Kate, was filled with giddy laughter as the two blondes attempted a sword fight. Unbeknownst to the two, Kate had bestowed them the dullest blades available; they could not cut deeply if they wanted to. "God, it's like I'm talking to a muscled up brick wall."

"Sorry, Your Highness, where were we?"

"Please don't call me that."

"What? Your Highness?"

"It's too official. I know you too well for that."

"Okay, Nat, how about you take her for a picnic? Propose there?"

"They won't let me leave the palace. I know, I've tried."

Kate hummed, eyes locked on Yelena as Pietro gave chase to her around the courtyard. "What does he do, again?"

"Bishop, you're miserable at this." Natasha sat up, eyes mirroring Kate's. "Don't worry about him. I honestly don't know what he does, though. He and Wanda aren't noble, but I think he's supposed to be a sort of court jester."

"What about Wanda?"

"Well, she's mine," Natasha laughed. "And she's an apothecary."

"Propose at dinner?"

"Eh, maybe. Let's just hope the food is good."

"Whatever you do, Natasha, I'm sure she'll say yes. I've only known her for two weeks and I know she adores you."

"How can you tell?"

Kate shrugged, smiling slightly as Yelena got a good wack in on Pietro. "The way she looks at you. The way she's so comfortable around you. I don't know. She trusts you."

Natasha sighed dreamily. "Yeah, I love that woman. I don't even want to imagine my life without her."

"I never thought I'd see the day Princess Natasha fell head over heels."

"I know, I know. I always figured you and Yelena had the jump on me."

"Six years ago, maybe." Cheeks reddening, Kate kicked around a few loose pebbles under her boots. "Not so much now. Feel like our window has closed."

"You know she had the biggest crush on you, right?"

"Now you're just messing with me."

"I admit I like to stir the pot, but not this time."

"Sure, Your Highness. She seems to be pretty occupied now, though."

"With that pretty boy?" Natasha laughed as Pietro finally dropped his sword, holding his hands up in surrender. "No way. I'm not sure why she hangs around him so much. Doesn't seem to be much there, if you ask me."

Kate stood as Yelena stowed away her blade, tuckered out from her 'training'. "Do you not have a guard, Natasha?"

"Oh, I do," she responded, smoothing down her formal suit as she stood. "His name is Sir Steve. He lets me roam unattended, but he's usually within earshot."

"Hm," Kate hummed, wondering why Yelena practically had her joined at the hip. The princess rejoined Kate at the palace entrance, but was stopped by Pietro.

"My Princess," he said, traversing side by side with the blonde down the palace halls. Kate lingered back a few paces, but close enough to listen. "I thought you would like an update on the king, but... should she hear?" He glanced back to Kate.

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