Crown Jewel

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As Kate strapped her trusty quiver to her well worn silver armor for the last time, all she thought of was those she had lost. How proud her father would be right now as he stood beside the queen, watching his only child enter the Guild he held so dearly. How Clint would probably cry but pretend as if he wasn't, grateful the years of hard work and guidance paid off. It was unfortunate, of course, and bittersweet that the two men that raised her could not witness the fruit of their labors, Kate's dreams of gilded armor coming true.

It was sad, yes, but Kate also tried to focus on who she did have. Steve, Sam, Bucky, and Peter, all standing beside Yelena's throne as Kate strode in, bashful but proud. Wanda and Natasha sitting front row, the former clapping dutifully, the latter cheering wildly for her friend. Tony, the armorer, lingered around the door, giving a nod. And of course, Yelena, radiant, glowing, regal. She wore her tiara, a rare occurrence, as she sat atop her throne, the authority of the chair suiting her perfectly.

"Come, Kate Bishop," Yelena spoke, doing her best to stay calm and professional. So caught up in the moment that the traditional decree escaped her mind, the princess improvised. "Before you is a woman of highest honor, of deepest loyalty, and of golden heart. She is the example, she is the standard. And today, she is a Knight of Galon. Kneel, my warrior."

Kate fought to keep her blush down as she did as Yelena wished, dropping to one knee before the throne, head bowed low.

The princess stood and said, "present your blade." Again, Kate obeyed, drawing her sword slowly and handing it off to the monarch. Yelena tapped both shoulders gently with the flat of the blade. "Today, before these witnesses, I, Princess Yelena of Galon, House of Aram, hereby dub thee," she took a deep breath, smiling broadly, "my knight."

Kate broke into gleeful laughter, sheathing her sword and sweeping Yelena up into a spinning hug before remembering where she was, stepping back with a grin. "Thank you, Your Highness."

The crowd cheered, and after a round of congratulations, dispersed. After most stragglers made their way to the exit, palace workers toiled tirelessly to prepare the room for the crowning of Galon's newest queen. Yelena observed these workers and their labors with a withdrawn expression.

Kate nudged the entranced woman. "Yelena?"


"You alright? Your stare is quite blank."

"Just thinking. So, so much has changed." She took Kate's arm, offering a stroll before the coronation. "Not all bad, though."

"A month ago, we were practically strangers," Kate mused, swinging the pair's intertwined hands as she casually walked.

"Not quite strangers, just... I don't know, like finding a forgotten pair of shoes and remembering how much you love them."

"You forgot about me, princess?"

"Try as I might have, Kate Bishop, I could never forget you. You are one in a million. You are everything."

"You're my everything," Kate smiled, reveling in the sappiness of it all. Being this vulnerable, sharing stolen glances and heart felt words, with anyone else, seemed impossible. But with Yelena, all it took was one glance into those big hazel eyes and the valiant knight fell apart, she melted in the glowing sun that was her princess. "Things won't change once you're queen, right? Between us?"

Yelena led Kate out into the shining light of the courtyard, chuckling at Kate's earnest expression. "Wasn't planning on it. I'll be busy, yes, but you'll be by my side, won't you?"

Kate planted a kiss on Yelena's knuckles, eyes hooded as the pair circled the courtyard grass and reentered the palace. "As the queen wishes."

The two women walked like this for a while, aimless little circles around the palace with little else to do but appreciate the other's company. For Yelena, Kate was a soothing presence, a watchful eye, a confidant and an anchor. Someone she did not have to watch her back around, someone she could trust without a second thought.

Quiver and Crown // KateLenaWhere stories live. Discover now