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Kate had never felt a mix of anticipation and anxiety so deeply. As she gazed onto the guarded Aram palace from atop her steed, every emotion from terror to excitement bounced around in her frantic brain and burdened heart. Yes, she felt fear, yes, she felt dread, but what she felt most strongly was resolve. This was it, this was her moment. This was reclamation, this was revenge, this was a reckoning.

"We're ready." Sam said from beside her. "The first squadron of Valkyrie have completed their sweep. Pietro will start panicking, we can't let him escape."

Kate nodded, eyes determined. She turned to the woman behind her, asking "are you sure about this, my love? You know how dangerous it will be."

"The battle is half over as we speak," Yelena said, stormy eyes trained on the palace. "I've been away long enough."

"Relay the plan, then. You must know it by heart."

"Get in, stay behind the Valkyrie, and free any nobles left in the dungeon."

"And if you see Pietro?"

Yelena stole a glance at Wanda beside her. "Kill on sight."

Kate nodded, knuckles white around the reins. "Good girl. He'll regret ever crossing you."

Kate spurred her horse on, racing toward the palace with deadly intent. Sam and Bucky flanked her, armed with axes and shields. Peter even joined the fight, armed with a bow and instructed to stay out of any large frays. Wanda rode in last, only participating in the hopes of freeing Natasha. Weeks apart from her fiancée, without knowing her status, wore on her, and she wanted to reunite with the redhead as soon as physically possible, no matter the danger.

As their horses neared the palace, crossing the entry bridge and the stables, sounds of the melee increased. Valkyrie shouting orders, men screaming, swords clashing. The group dropped off of their horses just before the palace door, then snuck into the familiar stone hallways. Kate looked to Yelena for directions to the dungeon, and the princess motioned to follow her lead.

The men turned to aid in the main brawl, while women followed Yelena through the labyrinth of palace halls. Yelena stayed in front, a guide through the maze, though Kate was only a step back, sword and shield drawn. Descending levels to the dungeon got eerily quieter, darker, and as the trio creeped along, a chill ran down Kate's spine.

"Did you hear that?" The knight whispered.

"Hear what?" Yelena asked, but upon listening closer she heard what Kate referred to, and she froze. Terrifyingly, footsteps approached, and quickly. Before the group knew what to do, the footsteps were upon them, a body smacking straight into Yelena. The blonde stumbled, and Kate raised her sword to attack, but nearly dropped it upon realizing who it was.

"Natasha?" Wanda asked quietly, voice breaking as if she could not believe it, as if she thought the day would never come. Tears were already forming as she stepped closer. "Natasha, please tell me that's you..."

The body that slammed into Yelena stood, revealing startled green eyes and matted red hair. "Wanda?"

The brunette leaped into her fiancées arms, and Natasha caught her gratefully, spinning in delight. Steve stood sheepishly behind the pair, massaging his wrists. Yelena cried now as well, beyond relieved to see her sister in the flesh, and uninjured at that.

"Natasha, darling, I didn't know if I'd ever see you again. I-" Wanda sobbed, clinging to Natasha's neck. "I was so scared."

"Shhh, I'm alright. I wasn't going anywhere," Natasha whispered sweetly, smoothing Wanda's hair. "I've missed you. I'm glad you're alright."

Quiver and Crown // KateLenaWhere stories live. Discover now