Milk and Honey

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"So, in conclusion," Yelena relayed to a captive dinner table, King Thor hanging on every word. "My brother in law tried to kill all of us at my sister's engagement party."

"Wow," King Thor breathed, nodding solemnly. "I am so sorry for your losses, princess. All of you, really. I couldn't imagine being betrayed by my brother like that, or losing a mentor."

"What shall we do, brother?" Loki asked, sitting back in his seat. "Surely acts of aggression by King Draykov cannot go unchecked?"

"Loki is right," Queen Jane sighed. "Draykov senses blood in the water, we must stop the conquest before it begins."

"I've been itching for a good fight," broke in the Valkyrae from before. "I'll go myself."

King Thor toyed with his beard in thought. "Yes, Val, I think you're right. Have two squadrons of Valkyrie and the Warriors Three scout ahead, see how many men remain in the palace."

"And then what?" Yelena asked, encouraged but skeptical.

"Then we send however many men you need. Asgardians never say no to a fight, especially a just one."

Relief flooded the blonde, and she fought off tears. "Thank you, Your Majesty. Thank you."

"We'll get your home back, I swear it."

Thor issued his orders to the Valkyrie and the other guard, who he addressed as Lady Sif. The two quickly took their leave to gather their respective bands of warriors, and the throne room left just the six at the dinner table.

"I'd hate to take up more of your time than I already have," said the princess, standing. "Shall we retire, ladies?"

"Hold on, hold on," responded the king, waving a hand. "You've come to Asgard at a special time. Would you say no to a gala tonight? I mean, your last experience with one wasn't great, but-"

"It's the Solstice," Queen Jane offered simply. "We throw a bit of a rowdy party that lasts all night, and you're welcome to join us. Of course, you're probably tired, so I can show you to your rooms if you like."

"Are you kidding me?" Kate asked, eyes wide. "A chance to party with King Thor in Asgard? Yeah, count me in."

"Guess that means I'm going," Yelena laughed, though Wanda opted to turn in for the night, citing the long journey and recent aversion to parties.

The group dispersed, and soon Yelena and Kate were escorted to a magnificent circular ballroom, surrounded by jubilant Asgardian nobles and revelers. A brass band cranked out upbeat music, some musicians even walking through the crowd. The party as a whole was looser than galas in Galon, where regal string bands played at parties and couples danced in reserved slow sways. Asgardians spared no expense, held no reservations as they drank in merriment.

"Why is everyone so tall here?" Kate asked, hands wringing nervously as she found herself in the center of the dance floor, groups swinging wildly all around.

"If it makes you feel hetter, that's how everyone looks to me," Yelena said, taking Kate's hands.

The music increased in volume and Kate recoiled almost imperceptibly. Everything was so loud, there were so many people, so much movement. She found herself inching closer to the door and searching for alternative exits. Her pulse quickened, jaw clenched.

"Kate," Yelena whispered, dragging her knight lightly to the outer ring of the room. "Are you alright?"

Kate deflated as she looked into the concerned hazel eyes before her. "I'm just nervous, love. There's so much that could go wrong. I mean, what if we were followed here? What if I can't get you out next time?"

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