Heavy is the Head

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"Natasha, you're scaring me," Yelena said, struggling to keep pace with the brisk stride of her sister. "Just tell me."

"Not here."

The redhead dragged Yelena by the upper arm into her chambers, then crossed the room to stand by the window, saying nothing as she stared onto the courtyard outside.

"Well?" Yelena prompted, uneasy.

"Yelena, this is a tumultuous time. We're the last royals. Every decision we make from now on impacts thousands, millions."


"So that means we have to get this right."

"I'm sorry, Natasha, I'm not following."

The redhead pinched the bridge of her nose, her eyes' dark circles returning for a moment. "My coronation tomorrow. I don't... I don't think I can go through with it."

Yelena nearly stumbled. "Excuse me?"

"I can't be queen, Lena. I can't."

"Why not?"

"I've been acting monarch for a week and I'm just not made for this. I can't handle the pressure. I can't handle the deadlines, the disgruntled citizens, the treaties, the wars, the taxes. I can't do it. I was never meant to be in charge, be in the spotlight." She sighed again. "Besides, I don't think the people would be very happy at their queen marrying a Ledian right now."

Yelena took a long, slow breath before walking up behind her sister, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Do you really wish to abdicate?"

"Yes. In my heart, I know it to be right. You were always the natural leader. You're frustratingly elegant, unbelievably capable. Just look at how you handled our home coming under attack. Had it been me out there, I'm not sure we'd be standing here."

"Natasha, I will honor your wishes." She kissed her sister briefly on the cheek. "But take the night to think it over. It's been a long day. Talk to me in the morning."

Shoulders bearing the weight of a kingdom, Yelena made her way back to her own room and was pleasantly surprised to find Kate resting on her bed. Kate was clearly out of it, presumably from more pain medicine, as she lazed on the soft mattress, one leg dangling off the side.

"What are you doing here, love?" Yelena asked, slinging Kate's leg back onto the bed.

"Got lost," Kate giggled. "Could only remember how to get back here."

"Well, I'm glad you stumbled in. Now scoot."

Yelena untied her dress, letting it drop to the floor before climbing into bed with a heavy sigh. Kate wrapped her arms easily around the shorter woman, closing her eyes contentedly. When Yelena made no attempt to return the embrace, laying there solemnly, Kate asked, "what's going on in that pretty head of yours?"

"Natasha might abdicate."

"I- she what? Evaporate? How would that even work?"

"Abdicate, Kate Bishop."

"Oh... like someone else would be queen instead?" Kate took a moment, then her eyes widened slowly. "You would be queen."


"That would be hot. I'd kneel for you anytime, my queen," Kate giggled, and Yelena rolled her eyes.

"What drugs has Wanda been giving you?"

"Love potions," Kate whispered, kissing the crown of Yelena's head. "What do think of queendom, my love?"

"Honestly... it's all I ever wanted as a princess. I think she just got tired of it, Natasha. She was trained so intensely, expected to be perfect. As second born I kind of learned at my own pace. And... I don't know, I feel oddly ready."

"You are ready."

"You think so?"

"I know it. You'll be a magnificent queen. And I'll be right by your side for as long as you'll have me."

Yelena finally snuggled into Kate. "I love you, you know."

"Mhm, I know. I love you too."


"You're not doing this because of me, are you?" Wanda asked the next morning, anxiously spreading strawberry jam on toast, the knife drawing erratic ridges of scarlet.

"Doing what?" Natasha inquired, mouth full of blueberry muffin.

"Abdicating. I'd hate for you to resign because of me. Maybe we can get married in secret, or I'll move to the country, or-"

"Wanda." The redhead placed a calming hand on her fiancées thigh. "This is my choice, and I think it's the right one. Did I have you in mind? Of course, but only because I want you to be safe. Yelena taking the throne is best for everyone. Me, you, the kingdom."

Just then, Kate and Yelena entered the courtyard, with the knight walking significantly better and Yelena practically glowing in the morning sun. They took their seats at the white wooden table laden with pastries and fruits, with Yelena at the head.

"There she is," Natasha started cautiously. "Have you thought about what I said, sister?"

Yelena grabbed a chocolate chip muffin, turning it over contemplatively. "Better question is if you've thought about what I said. The ball is in your court, Nat. I really have no say here."

"Yelena, be honest with me. Do you want to be queen?"

Without hesitation, Yelena responded, "yes."

Natasha nodded gratefully. "Then it's settled. You'll be coronated tonight."

"What will you do now, Natasha? I could use a handmaiden," Kate said, and the redhead laughed.

"Well, Galon is lacking a spymaster," she said with a wink before standing, offering Wanda her arm. "Come now, love. Let's search for you a wedding dress."

Both beaming, Wanda and Natasha took their leave, and Yelena couldn't help but chuckle to herself. What a whirlwind. Weeks ago, she was a bitter, overlooked second born, and now she would rule a kingdom. She had conquered a coup, a traitor, and scariest of all, love.

"Kate," the blonde said, and the knight hummed in attention. "I'm going to be queen."

"Yes, love, indeed."

"Don't you feel as though we should make your position a little more... official?"

Kate cocked her head. "How do you mean?"

"How would you like to be officially knighted this evening? I mean, I doubt it could top my ceremony with a tree branch, but we could try."

Eyes crinkling with her broad, sincere smile, Kate took Yelena's hand. "Oh, Lena, do you mean it?"

"Of course I do. You're my knight."

"And tonight," she leaned in for a kiss, "you shall be my queen. What a fine pair we are."

Sorry for the shorter length, but I felt the chapter accomplished its goal lol. Thank you for reading.

So, last time, most of you voted for KateLena, which is dope. If I write more KateLena though I am going to have to rewatch Hawkeye, I just don't have as clear of a picture of these two as I do for Wanda and Nat in my head, so any Kate/Yelena work would be rather delayed.

Thank you for sticking around so long, and I'll see you next chapter.

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