Chapter 1

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I was still heavily sighing in repeat when Peter tried to speak, "are you okay?" I could sense the laughter in his voice. He is probably already aware of what is going on. I turned to look at his deep blue eyes. "Long story," was all I said as he laughed along with it.

He nodded, and I fixed my seat. I can smell the scent of his perfume. "Are we going to pick up Shane and Britney or we'll wait for them in Mancheston?" So, they didn't tell him?

"Umm, they told me they ain't coming." I shook my head, still disappointed that they decided not to come this year. I mean, seriously? This is the only time for us to bond with each other in a year of spending our lives in school. Well, I and the girls go to the same campus and even have classes together while we're always apart from Peter.

"Oh, so it's just you and me?" The way he speaks... it's like he is not even sure of what to say. And I know what is the reason for it.

"Yeah, pretty much like that," said only me and him. I nodded. We're close, but not like how I'm close to Britney. I tell her every single detail about me. Even when I broke my dad's hockey stick. But Peter, we talk, we joke, we tell secrets to each other but not like how we should do it. So I don't think this summer would be the best. Shane always brings the fun to our camps so now that she's not here with us, I guess this would be the worst summer vacation ever.

As he started the car, he turned on the radio and Olivia Rodrigo's song came playing. Wow. Olivia is one of my favorite singers in the world. Her songs are usually about to break up. Though I have never been into one, I love them so much even if I can't relate to them. Coincidence that her name is similar to Nate's girlfriend's name. Who is Britney's rival. Not literally but she low-key hates her.

I found myself tapping my lap using my fingertips while dancing around and narrowing through the window. "You're... like, a fan?" He asked. He didn't even have to. From the stickers on my suitcase, some shirts I got, and the way I act, it's very evident that I am a Livi.

"Isn't it obvious?" I joked as it made him giggle.

He didn't say a word next to that. Instead, he focused on driving and kept his wide blue eyes on the road. I've been passing here many times before. This is my hometown. Paris. So I'm used to every road I encounter here. But I don't get bored when I watch the houses and trees I see as we drove through.

"How long would we be there?" I actually didn't get his question right. But I tried my best to understand what he was saying.

"Summer this year is just for three months, so I'll be there for three months or less. I don't know about you," at least I could answer.

"Same, our summer is also just for three months so I'll get back home before that three-month vacation time ends so I can prepare for the next school year," I smirked. I know that isn't the reason.

"Really? Or is it because Britney isn't here with us? Because you know you'll miss her so you'll come back early to see her? Don't get me wrong, Peter," he rolled his eyes and laughed. But even with his laughter, I could see the pain. The pain he hides for a long time and waits for someone to adopt it.

"Seriously? I don't even like her! She's just a best friend, like you..." he narrowed at me for a second but immediately looked back at the road.

"You don't like her because you love her, right? I just realized like is different from love," I teased.

"No! Come on! Either way, it's a no," he lied. It was obvious he was lying.

"Are you sure? Then why did you cry when you saw Nate kiss her forehead when he won against you in a basketball match?" Charlie Brahms, what the heck was that? I asked myself. I really didn't want to ask him that but I was too curious. I hope I didn't remind him of anything bad.

"I moved on... already. I already moved on. I'm okay now, I understand," he pressed his lips together and sighed heavily. A sign of acceptance. I wonder how hard is it for him to accept that Britney is not for him. I don't know if I could still live if I found out Chance is not for me.

"Okay, all the best for you..." I looked at him and watched the smile grow on his face as he continued on driving. Lovely how he can drive like this at a young age. I don't even know how to cook an egg right. Every time I try to cook an egg, I end up making a big mess in the kitchen. Maybe cooking is not really for me. When I was a kid, I dreamed of becoming a chef. But then I realized I'm not good at it.

So instead, I stopped. Now I dream of becoming a singer-songwriter though I also know it's not for me. I write lyrics, beats, and melodies sometimes but I can't sing that well. Dad always says I sound like a dying seal. I expect him to praise my voice but instead, he always tells the truth. He is always brutally honest especially when it comes to judging.

"Are you alright?" I even hesitated to ask, but I still did. Because I saw that the smile on his face vanished and that he looked like he remembered something he didn't want to remember.

"Umm, yeah." He responded. He's a professional when it comes to lying about what he's feeling. I guess that's what it takes to be always hit by your dad and get scared that if you tell someone, he'll hit them too. That's the problem Peter had to live in his life which he also didn't try to get out of. He was scared. Scared of his psychopathic dad. 

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