Chapter 49

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With my fist formed into a rock, I walked fast to the side door and eyed his mom. "Who did this?" I know who it is, but I still need her confirmation. "The one who has been doing it before,"

"Where is he?"

"Police station." I ran down the stairs. I wanted to use the elevator, but it was occupied.

"To the police station," I said once when I got in the taxi, which I called. He nodded and immediately began driving. It's not that far from here, so I didn't have to control myself from breathing properly and closing my eyes. "Hurry," I still said, though he was already driving fast.

He stopped in front of the police station and I got off. As I got closer and closer to the door, my heartbeat quickened. I do not know why. I only know one thing: whatever I'm thinking of doing can be wrong. But because of what he did, I don't care if it's right or wrong to take revenge on him.

Peter is a good person, the type that even if he puts his life in danger, doesn't care as long as he can make the surrounding people happy. And he also doesn't let the people he loves be sad or get hurt. I can't understand why his father did this to him. I quickly pushed open the door. Not minding the guards who tried to stop me. I walked over to a table where several men in black uniforms were gathered. I recognized the voice of one of the men there so I thought that was exactly what I was looking for.

I tried to open my hands but because of the intensity of the anger and bitterness I was feeling, I could do nothing but hold back the tears that were dripping from my eyes. The police stepped aside as I approached them and the man I knew was sitting in a metal long chair. He was wearing a yellow polo shirt and gray pants while holding his cane to his right and was handcuffed.

He stood up in front of me as I took a step backward. My anger intensified when I saw his eyes that seemed to be bragging to me. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Look at you!" I was insulted but I tried not to cry. I don't want him to see my cry.

"You're not a mirror." He rudely answered.

"You killed your own son! And you still have the gut to speak like you did nothing!"

"I did something, I know, but it's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal? Are you kidding me?" My voice was louder than the speakers as it caught everyone's attention.

"I don't joke."

"But you kill, right?"


"You're crazy!"

"Am I? Think about it," he smirked devilishly. He's more than just a devil. He's a devil.

"Think about what?" He rolled his eyes with the grin remaining on his face. I'm just stopping myself but deep inside, I already want to crunch him like how he crumpled my heart the moment I realized what he did. "What?" I screamed louder than earlier.

"What?" I repeated.

"Think about me."

"There's nothing to think about a killer who killed his son after abusing him."

"I didn't kill my son!" He's now screaming too. He needs to see a therapist.

"Wow!" I sarcastically clapped my hands to insult him.

"Oh my God!" I laughed out loud not being able to believe what he just said. He's so much older than me and I'm supposed to respect him but I can't when he just killed someone I love.

"What? You don't believe me? You want me to prove you?" I laughed harder and clapped my hands again. He doesn't seem to get insulted at all.

"No one would believe a killer claiming that he didn't kill his son when people already saw the dead person he killed and his wife witnessed how he performed the crime!"

"Peter is not my son!" He screamed louder than I ever heard him do it. First, he claimed that he didn't kill Peter. Now, he's saying that he's not his son.

"Wow! Wow! There's nothing else I can say but wow! Such a good story maker! How much money do you make as a writer?" All the policemen kept their mouths shut as I set my fists free.

"I am not making up all these stories! When I said he's not my son, I mean it! He's not my son!"

"Prove it,"

"His mom was already pregnant when she met me! Peter's real dad is your dad. But it doesn't mean you two fools are siblings because you're adopted after your parents saw you down the highway!"

It was a short statement I couldn't process in my mind easily. I'd never heard loud silence before.

Peter's real dad is my dad and I'm adopted?

"But that doesn't mean you'd have to hurt him like that! He was clueless!"

"He knew it all along!"

"But why do you hate him that much?"

"I told you! He is not my son!"

"You didn't have to hurt him!"

"You don't know everything, okay? You're the one who's clueless! You don't know how your mom left me for your dad while your dad made my stupid wife pregnant!"

"You... you... you were the other guy mom mentioned?"

"I was your mom's, first love! So, don't act like you're all clean! You are a dumb kid who knows nothing about me."

"How can I be sure all those craps you said are true?"

"If you won't believe me, I don't care. That's nothing for me to worry about. Well, you can ask your mom and dad though." He winked at me confidently and walked away as if nothing happened.

I think I've watched this scene before, and I hated how it went. It was just like this.

This means that he never had a son, he killed his wife's son which is my dad's son too. Which makes me... an orphan?

The other guy mom was talking about when she talked to me last night is him. Dad made his wife pregnant making Peter, and I never knew about it. When his mom and dad met, his mom was pregnant with him already. 

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