Chapter 2

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Peter carried our bags as we walked through the same place where we've been a few months ago. Nothing changed about this place. Except for the unfamiliar crews who I don't recognize. There's still the white wooden gate with the blue paint sign saying "Mancheston Beach" and a surfing board beside it. The white sands I can feel under my shoes are still the same ones ever since the first time we've been here. And of course, the orange polo-shirt uniform of the crew is still the same.

The chimes hanging from the roof were rumbling because of the strong wind that was slapping us. I smiled and took a deep breath. Summer of 2024, here I come!!! I told myself. But then I realized it was just me and Peter. I really hope this vacation will be happy and peaceful with one of my best friends.

I glanced at him and smiled. He did the same thing. I know we both feel the same way. He pushed open the gate and entered. I followed in his big footsteps and smilingly entered the entrance where we saw a woman wearing an orange polo shirt and looking at a blue notebook. Amber. That's her. That's her name. In the years that we spend our summer here, we already figured out the names of some crew and some of them even became our friends. They are very nice to us. Probably because we are visitors.

"The usual rooms please," I smiled at her as I saw her smile grow when she saw me.

"Oh, hey there Charlie! What's up Peter?" She greeted. We both kept silent and just laughed at her.

"Where's Shane and Britney?" She eyed me. She even reminded us? Darn it. I was already trying to forget that they're not here but this girl just reminded me. Game over.

"Didn't come. Said they have some other stuff to do this summer," I rested my arms on the table as Peter clanged the keys of his car beside him.

"Oh, let me just check on your rooms..." she left a smile and a wink at us before facing the notebook. When she looked back, her face was a little suspicious. As if bad news just came. "What's the matter?" I frowned. She sighed and pressed her lips together.

"Sorry, but rooms 205 and 206 are already taken," what the heck?

"Umm, what do you mean, Amber? You know that on the 5th of May, we usually go here and take those two rooms! Why didn't you reserve it for us?" I demanded. I'm actually not always this hot-tempered but I can't believe that someone took our rooms which are the ones we usually take.

"Because you didn't make a reservation," through my screams, she remained calm. Right. I forgot to make a reservation. I forgot that this resort strongly has a first-come, first-serve reservation policy. You can't just walk in here and demand your room like what I'm doing right now. When I heard the other people around murmuring and looking at me, I was left to do nothing but cover my face and look at her. "We'll take the available rooms. Whatever they are," I whispered.

I almost heard Peter's laughter in the back but it was obvious how he was trying to hide it and focus. Even I would laugh about this stupidity of mine. Walk in here and demand your usual room without making a reservation? My future kids would laugh at this crap when they notice.

"The only rooms available are rooms 23 and 24, how many rooms do you need?" I looked at Peter to remind myself that it's only the two of us here.

"We'll take two rooms. That 23 and 24 you just mentioned, we'll take a look," I smiled to avoid feeling annoyed one more time. I'm done embarrassing myself in front of a lot of people. I looked back at him to check if he is okay. He is standing and smirking fine.

"Please follow me," she grabbed two keys from the brown cork board and we followed her walk through the rough staircase. The chilly familiar wind was blowing us away as we got higher with every step we took. Guess they painted the walls from blue to white now.

I scattered my eyes to scan some changes but I saw nothing unfamiliar except for the people walking around. This place is more crowded than ever. Not as crowded as a public beach but it's not like this most of the time. Because back then, this place used to look like a ghost town for only a few people are here but right now, seems like it's full of strangers already. at least not as crowded as the places in the school. "Here it is," she unlocked the two doors close to each other and opened the brown-wooden doors.

I nodded and when she made her way down the stairs, I checked both the rooms. Gosh. These rooms are so far away from our usual. "Which one do you want to take?" I asked him.

He looked at both the rooms then at me; "you pick," I couldn't help but laugh. This behavior of him is what I'm very grateful for. We don't have to fight against things because he's okay with the best and the worst. He lets others choose first before him. And he takes whatever is left.

"Okay, room 23 is mine," he nodded.

My room was fine... but not as good as my usual room: room 205.

I turned on the lights and saw the white-granite-tiled floor, a single bed on the right side, and a window beside it. There's a TV in front of a sofa and beside it was a wooden study table and a wooden closet. Not that bad.

Wow. I missed the smell of woods.

I placed down the bags of mine and lay on my bed. I didn't bother closing the door because I was tired of the long way we took just to get here. I stared at the ceiling and did the thing I do whenever I'm bored. Talking to myself.

This summer, even if it looks like it's going to be the worst, I should try to make it the best!

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