Chapter 3

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This is it, the start of summer. Goodbye school works, goodbye stress, hello beach! I took in a deep breath and faced my closet to get my outfit for today: a white shirt with the word 'nope' and black legging. After putting them on, I opened the door of my room and shut it.

Without even knocking or calling for him, I opened the door of Peter's room. As usual, still sleeping though it's already eight in the morning. I shook my head and slowly closed the door. I don't want to wake him. he's probably hanging out with Britney in his dreams.

He never really told me that he likes her but as his best friend, I could sense it and it was obvious how much he loved her. And I realized how hurt he was when Nate kissed her forehead in front of everyone. When I saw the look on his face at the time, I felt how hard it was for him to see the girl he always loved being in love with someone else.

I walked through the entrance intermission and looked at Amber as she was still facing the notebook she was already holding yesterday when we arrived. There must probably be so many people around that she can't handle us anymore. "Good morning, Charlie," she greeted. I just waved my hand and didn't respond. I rested my arms on the table like yesterday.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I almost forgot that I'm supposed to take my breakfast today.

I'm so excited that I couldn't even think of some other essential things. "Rice with bacon and fries," I said without thinking: that's the usual. She nodded and listed it down on her paper.

"What about Peter?" Oh, right. Well, he's still asleep. Britney is the one who knows what he likes for breakfast. But since she's not here, "the same I guess," I faked a smile because I was so unsure. I don't even know if he eats bacon or fries.

She nodded again, "okay, just wait for it. I'll deliver it. You can choose a table now." I smiled at her and looked around for a table. The reason why I love this place so much is that aside from the memories we've built here, this place has everything I need and want. Free breakfast, souvenir shop, beach, and white sand. No place left for me to eat.

People already conquered the other tables. Guess I just have to eat in my room. "Umm, just deliver it in my room if it's okay," before she can answer no, I immediately ran upstairs.

Still catching my breath, I stopped on the balcony. I let in the fresh air that I missed so much and ran my fingertips through the staircases. I closed my eyes and tried to sniff the summer breeze. But then I was startled to life when I heard a cold manly voice behind me.

"Missed this place, huh?" I recognized the voice so I looked behind me and I was right. Peter.

"Yeah, it's been a long time," he walked toward me and stood beside me as we looked into each other's eyes. His deep blue ones are like the beach and his skin tone stands as the white sand. Some of his freckles and small pimples are like pebbles or small stones or shells.

He giggled a little and watched me breathe in the fresh air which passed us by. "You like nature, don't you?" Oh, he is not wrong.

"I don't like it," I continued. "I love it," we both chuckled and I tacked a piece of my hair behind my ear to avoid getting my sight blocked by it.

I heard someone clearing their throat. We both looked beside us and found Amber with two plates in her hand. Oh boy, I wonder how she managed to climb here with those.

"Here's your breakfast, enjoy you two..." she joked and handed us the plates as she ran down the stairs like she was being chased by someone. I bet it is really that hard to manage a beach resort or hotel or whatever this place is supposed to be called.

"Woah, bacon," darn it. I should have just asked him first before requesting it.

"My favorite!" That was a relief. I sighed in happiness and watched him enter his room as I followed in his footsteps. He placed the plate down on the table; his room is just the same as mine.

He raised his shirt and it reached his head as he removed it. That six-pack abs should be enough to fight for himself. But I guess his heart is too soft for it. My eyebrows met and lines were drawn on my forehead when I saw a purple patch on his almost perfect chest.

I almost got lost in staring at his body if I didn't find that bruise. "What's that?" I stood and walked closer to him when he was just about to put on another shirt. He frowned and looked at his chest too. He smirked and then pointed at it; I nodded. "This? Well, it's nothing," he can lie for the sake of people he loves who don't even treat him right.

"Nothing? It seems like someone hit you," I attempted to touch it but he was so quick that he was able to back away easily and put on his shirt. "No, I'm okay, Charlie. No need to worry about me." He faked a smile and sat on his bed.

"Did your dad hit you before going here?" I asked. He shut his mouth, didn't say a word, just stared at me with a smile as if he heard nothing.

"Let's eat," he changed the topic and stood up. I can already sense what happened to him. But I just want him to confirm it. When he was about to open the door, I spoke, "every seat down there is already occupied. No place left for us," he looked back at me and pressed his lips together.

"This place is not too small for us, right?" He smiled. When I saw the smile on his face, it showed me how much he's trying to be happy even if it's obvious he's living a difficult life.

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