Chapter 44

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"Peter, please just tell me where we are going. I'm getting tired of walking around it has been half an hour and we look like we're just walking around!" I scolded him with my arms crossed. He doesn't seem to look bothered. Instead, it's like he enjoys my face when I'm sarcastically scolding him. We've been walking around for so many minutes and I'm not enjoying it anymore.

"Calm down, we're about to get there." He smirked at me.

"First, you made me wear this blue straight dress as if we're going to a formal occasion and now we're walking at a long distance. Are you pranking me or something?"

"First, I won't make you wear that dress for nothing, it's special, okay? Second, I won't wear this tuxedo if it's just for a prank." I rolled my eyes. Oh, Peter.

We kept walking and it turns out, we reached the back of the last building on the beach. "Where are we?" He didn't give me an answer but still held my hand and smiled as we walked towards a small room in the middle of nowhere.

This is... the end of Mancheston Resort, I guess?

The huge building behind us is bigger than it looked like in the front. The ground isn't with white sands anymore but gray ones and lots of pebbles. The wind was slightly blowing. There are lots of trees around so it's colder than the other spots here. We walked towards a small space that looked like a tent but bigger. Peter held the door and opened it as it exposed the fancy things inside.

I realized it wasn't a tent but it still looks like one. It's a dinner area covered with a huge tent-like blanket. "What is this place?" He didn't answer me and just entered.

At the center of it, there was a table covered with a white sheet. On top of it were sets of candlesticks together with two shiny plates including a golden spoon and fork plus two table napkins. There were also two chairs on each side. In the corners of the ceiling were lights that looked like what we use for trees in the streets. And a huge fancy chandelier was there providing the dimmed light.

I only got one word to use for describing this place... fancy. I guess this is why Peter wasn't in his room the whole day. "Did you... make all these?" I looked at him and he didn't answer. He just rose his shoulders and pulled one of the chairs as if he was offering it to me.

Wait, he is. I walked toward him and took a seat. He sat in front of me on the other chair. "What's this for?" I asked.

"What do you think this is?" I scattered my eyes around

"Fancy dinner? A date? An expensive night? What?"

"Everything you said."

"This is also a date?"

"I guess."

He then clapped his hands several times as three men in suits and ties came marching inside with casseroles in their hands. "I bet you're hungry." He smirked and I giggled while they placed the food on the table.

"You wasted your money on these decorations and foods?"

"It's not wasting," I rose my eyebrows. "Come on, don't scold me just because I spent a lot of money here."

"So you admit it, you spent a lot?"

He smiled awkwardly and sighed. "I just want to enjoy this night with you. This is the last night we'd spend together happily in this place. We would have to wait for thirteen months for the next time. Tomorrow in the afternoon, we would be leaving so, let's take our craps off our life and act like we're problem-free with this dinner."

He's right. I'll miss him; I'll miss his humor, his insecure attitude, his humble heart, his smell, and our talks. We've been friends for a long time but I've never been this close to him before. I would miss the nervousness I feel when I'm with him and my love.

I would miss the guy I secretly loved and cheated on my boyfriend with.

"You're right..." I whispered after he put the pasta on my plate.

"Enjoy the food because it's free." I giggled.

Long moments of silence prevailed as we began eating our food. The spaghetti was a little hard so I chew it well before gulping it. The Coca-Cola melted in my mouth each time I took a sip. The ambiance makes me feel elegant like a queen. He's so good at making me feel like the best girl in the world and I like it which no one has ever done to me.


"Yeah? You want some more?" I guess he knows how much I eat at night.

"No, I want to ask you a question."

"Okay, not ready for it though. I forgot that you're an interviewer." Am I?

"Go ahead..."

"These are more than special, to be honest. These are older than me. They're the clothes, my grandparents, on my mom's side wore on their first date. They're the strongest couple I know. A lot of challenges and obstacles came to them but they were able to succeed because of the faithfulness and love they showed for each other. They've been loyal until death. So these clothes are signs of strength."

"You think that we would be like them?"

"I guess."

The story was too good to be true. It sounded fictional but he said it. He doesn't lie and he never did.

He then wiped his face with the napkin from his lap then stood up, came to me, bowed his head, and offered his hand like a royal family servant. "Miss Charlie Brahms, can I dance with you on this very special night?" I laughed a little.

Then I took his hand as it helped me stand up.

We were beside the door with my hands wrapped around his neck and his hands on my waist while my brown eyes are locked on his ocean blue ones. They're making me drown in love. Everything about him is perfect. His face, his personality, his brain, his humor, his heart, his scarred body, his bruised legs, and the way he smiles. I love him, and I would always do.

The only music was the howling owls and the noise made by the wind. It's sending chills to my nerves and giving me goosebumps.

But after the time stopped, everything froze too. Peter leaned his head closer to me only leaving an inch separating us. "I love you, Charlie." He whispered.

"I love you too, Peter." He conquered the last inch left making his red cold lips fall onto mine. His lips are colder than ice but it sent a burning sensation to my brain and it fulfilled the emptiness in me. I never realized that he was the missing piece of me until now when he kissed me. I held my hand up to his head and gently rubbed his blonde hair while I kissed him back. This is something I've never done before, not even with my boyfriend. But I guess this is what they call wrong love.

I sacrificed and risked everything I have just to have him so now that he's mine, I would never let him go. Even if I know that this could be the biggest mistake I would regret it in the future.

This is it: The last night of our stay here in Mancheston Beach. It has been a long roller coaster ride for both of us but we're here in the end. I loved him, I hated myself, I risked my relationship, I followed my heart. And now, things are over. This night is something I would remember for the rest of my life and something that I might tell others when I'm already a popular beauty queen. Tomorrow is the day to leave this place and bring the memories with us. 

The stay was fine and I wasn't.

The person was right but the time wasn't.

If I could only change how the book of my life goes, then I would do it.

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