Chapter 1: Don't Hurt Me with Goodbye

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"Let's break up."

'Those three words', originally was something sweet and unforgettable. Words that makes the heart throb and causes butterflies to flutter in one's stomach. Those three words, in any other case.

It was the perfect day. A Saturday. Mirabella had been preparing for a date with her boyfriend, Devon, for the past three weeks.

She spent three hours on her hair, had her hands cramp from doing her make up so carefully. She was extremely excited to wear the red dress that mad her look hot just for him.

It was three months after they graduated from college and the first date they had after such a long time, that's why she didn't expect those three words slapped to her face before she could even sit down on the table she reserved.

Everything after that was like a blur and the next thing Mirabella knew, she was holding a very expensive bottle of wine in one hand and her heels on the other as she walked by the park near her apartment.

Mira shivered from the cold night wind. She hadn't worn a jacket because she thought by that time in the night he would be with her, somewhere warm.

Or that he'd give her his jacket, with one arm around her shoulder. As the image of him flashed through her mind, a piercing ache ran through her chest and she took a swig from the bittersweet wine she carried with her from the very restaurant where they broke up.

Her vision was swirling and the temptation of sleep was creeping in closer and closer. The lights around the park were very bright. The dull red colour of the brick oath she was following looked like earth brown.

"Let's break up."

Devon's words echoed inside her head once more. The feeling of wanting to scream and smash the bottle on his head resurfaced once again.

Mirabella laughed like a cynic and raised the bottle to down it completely. Her left foot was a bit behind her, her back bent and her head was facing the star filled night sky.

The rich scent of wine clung all over her. It's almost mind numbing, haze causing taste chugged down her throat like a glass of water. A drop slipped from the side of her mouth.

She was down to the last gulp as she tilted her head back more. Suddenly, her balance broke as she finished drinking. Mirabella felt her body sway and her vision dance.

For a moment, panic attacked.

The loud splash of water echoed in the empty park. The wine bottle long gone from her grasp as she tried to swim but she was too drunk to know what she was doing.

The flailing 23 year old kept trying to reach for the shore. The lake was deep, incredibly deep. The water was chilling and froze her down to the bone.

The need to sleep became even more powerful than before.

Mira's struggle for life became more futile by the moment. The sound of splashing water, the hoarse cries for help and the intoxication were all bottled up and nowhere to be seen.

She felt her limbs becoming heavier. The cold water's embrace was comforting. Soon enough, as she sank deeper and deeper into the artificial lake her life flashed before her eyes.

'Am I going to die like this?'

Mirabella Louise was young.

With long naturally pin straight black hair and forest green eyes like sparkling emeralds, she was a beautiful woman with her whole life ahead of her.

But in one night's heartbreak all of her hopes and dreams went down the drain. Bubbles blew out of her mouth. Mira sank slowly in the bed of water.

Oxygen escaped her, the sound of water on her ears an the taste of sand on her mouth.

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