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I had a dream where I was at school and my friends and I were getting yelled at by the principal and obviously, me being me, I wasn't paying attention so I turned around and watched the sunset. (don't know why I was at the school while the sun was setting, but okay)

Now, the sunset was very pretty and vivid. Normally when I have dreams, I know exactly the place I am at, but it looks very different than what it looks like IRL (and it's not really vivid), but in this dream, it looked exactly like my schoolyard.

So I went to take a picture of the very beautiful, very vivid sunset, but then guess what? MY FUCKING MOTHER WOKE ME UP AS I FINISHED TAKING A PHOTO. I was obviously upset I couldn't admire it for a little longer. So then my half-asleep ass thought, "oh, I took a picture on my phone, so it should be there" but then I realized, "no it won't be there because IT WAS A FUCKING DREAM"

I'm so overdramtic tbh

This dream was posted on my conversation wall on February 14th, 2022

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