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Everyone who had somewhere else to call was sent home for the rest of the day. Ulaz had came out from his apartment and went directly to Keith room to speak with him over his wrong doings. To calmly explain why mind links and entering someone head space was passing a line. Ulaz wasn't human, he didn't understand what being human was line but he understood lines that shouldn't be crossed. He could share Keith frustration over being so confused and unsure over why the other's had freaked out on him like that. So, Ulaz sat as both a understanding friend and a stern teacher. Telling Keith the truths he needed to know and trying to show how entering a person mind was like entering his ship without permission. 

Keith seemed to finally understand, true guilt and shame filling his eyes as he realized his horrible mistake. He wasn't sure how to apologize to everyone or to face them again. The air was already thick and tensed when Takashi was carried off to his room. How was he meant to make up with his new team after doing something so unforgivable. 

They had barely gained rules to protect each other privacy the night before and they had all respected his wishes over leaving his ship. Yet, here he was today entering their own private space and ignoring the rules they had all made together as a team. 

He knew they had a right to be angry and frighten of him. He had just linked their mind without any warning and stayed link even as they all freaked out around him. He didn't stop until he was physically stopped. 

Ulaz simply told him to rest up in his room for the rest of the day. To give Takashi some space and that the clone would be keeping to his own room for the rest of the day why he clams down and rests up after having someone inside his head again. Ulaz would be bringing Takashi food and any drinks to him as the day carries on while Keith would be freely left to wonder around once he was calmed himself. 

Antok and Regris hovered for a couple hours, trying to comfort Takashi and help him talk out the event but they were only met with silence. Both knowing it was best to give the guy some space, they left and headed home themselves. Checking Ulaz would be okay alone and once he promised he would, they were gone. 

During the middle of the night one of the zeta-tubes were used and a teammate came walking back into the castle. No longer shaken up and fully composed once again. She waved off Ulaz who started to float down from the ceiling and the android hovered for a moment before nodding and returning to his room. He was placing her trust in her for whatever she had planned. 

She went to the kitchen space first and made two hot chocolates. One with two scoops of sugar and the other without any. Adding milk to both mugs before moving to make a third mug of hot chocolate and adding only one scoop of sugar. She took one of the wooden trays, playing the mugs on and heading towards the dorms section. 

The whole base was completely silent and a little spooky but lonely in it's own way. She came to a stop as she noticed the blood red K that sat on one door, showing it to be Keith's given room. She kneeled down, placing the mug with one scoop of sugar before the closed door. 

Standing up with the tray and giving a light knock to his door. She wasn't going to wake him if he was asleep but if he was struggling to sleep like she was, he'd at least hear the knock and check outside his door as she started to leave. And he did. Accepting the drink with caution before sipping it and seeming to enjoy it. Hiding back inside his room with it moments later. 

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