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"Why hello there" Lance seductively smiled towards the stranger within their cave, speeding over to her and casually slinging his arm around her. Dressed in his full hero gear just like the rest if the team was. 

"Oh geez, he's at it already" Katie groaned out, rolling her eyes as she knew they'd be stuck watching a cringe show. 

"Remove your hand before I remove it form your body" The girl just barely a year older than him snarls out in warning. She was tall, slim and has lovely dark skin. Long, wavy white hair that was currently neatly placed in a bun at the top of her head. Big baby blue eyes with strange v shaped birth marks underneath them. She was dressed in a pink and white outfit that both clung to her body but also gave her some room to breath. A sewn in dress to the tights and thin long sleeves suit that helped cover most of her skin. Her mask covered the top half of her face, a crown circled around the top of her head where her bun popped out. An arrow pack on her back and a bow tucked over her shoulder. 

"She's a hero" Lance announced as he quickly hurried away from her and joining his team again. 

"How did you guess that?" Keith sassed back, wondering how their teammate figured out that the hero dressed girl was an hero. 

"She scares me" Lance admits without any shame. 

"Fair enough" Keith snorted back. 

"My king, I am unclear over what we were rushed to such a call and why a stranger sit's within our home" Hunk spoke up with a faltered smile, glancing to his king, his brother in law, and than the unknown hero standing in the castle, a cave that was meant to be kept secret. 

"Everyone meet Arrow-Princess or Princess for short. She'll be joining the team from now on. She's Green Arrow newest side kick, he's took her in and been training her over the hero life" Will calmly stated the news he was sent to tell them all, lifting a respectful hand towards Arrow Princess who gave a respectful nod back towards him. 

"Red Arrow won't like hearing that" Katie wheezed out as she glanced towards Coran newest partner, knowing James would feel replaced. She wasn't sure if she should send a private message to the archer and check how he was doing or give him a wide birth for the next couple months to not be brought into the cross fire. 

"He knows over her already. The pair don't seem to get along overly well. Green Arrow is currently trying to smooth things over with him as we speak hence I'm introducing her to the team" Will answered with a grimace, passing on the news that Coran would be a little busy for some time and not to call for him until the matter at hand is settled.  

"Oh man, that's even worse" Katie muttered out under her breath, knowing James really wouldn't be a good mood for some time now. 

"And we got called in to suit up ... because?" Lance asked as he waved his hands over his hero outfit, wondering why they were all suited up for a mission if there wasn't .. a mission. Sure, the princess was a new teammate they had to welcome but he couldn't see why they didn't do it in civvies. 

"To give you all another chance to decide if you show your true identities or not. A.P is still new to the hero gig and slowly learning with each passing night. She'll be new to your team and you all must decide if you trust her with your identity straight away or leave it some before you show your true identities to her. That's why those who do wear a mask was asked to come suited up. To stop her from learning over who you truly are" Will explained with a stern expression, his eyes serious but caring as he was giving them all a second chance to hide their true identities up. He knew the team was built on trust and friendship but throwing in a stranger can sometimes ruin a teams bond. If they weren't ready to suddenly expose themselves to a new hero, they still had the chance to keep themselves hidden. 

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