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"You're in civvies" Keith blurted out like an idiot as Katie came strolling out, wearing a pair of grey jeggings and a long sleeve green and black checked shirt. Black all stars on her feet and her large, led laced sunglasses on her face. A green zipper hoodie folded over her arm, ready to be placed on once outside. 

"You do know that I don't actually live in my Pidgin suit .. right? It's not my actually skin. I can remove it freely" Katie deadpanned, silently worried if Keith actually through her costume was apart of herself sometimes. 

"Yeah but we've only seen you in civvies twice. The first time we gained rules for the castle and the second was a whole month after. You had popped in to join us for a movie before leaving again. You don't .. arrive so early in civvies as if you'll stay in them all day" Keith argued back in his defence as seeing her out of her hero costume was more rare than him actually civilised towards his own mother. 

"But I will be" Katie answered as it was obvious.  

"You are!" Keith yelled back, looking rather startled. 

"Pidge is coming with us to town. Today is a whole team bonding by hitting the small town close by. It'd be nice for us all to spend a day out together" Lance smiled back as he glanced between his two teammates and wondering how Keith didn't catch on that Pidge was going to be joining them. She was apart of their team and this was a team bonding day out. 

"As long as I keep my sunglasses on I can join you all" Katie explains with a light shrug, pushing her glasses up her nose more to make sure they were on correctly. 

"You're not wearing gloves" Keith blurted out like an idiot as he stared down at her hands, finding no gloves in sight. She had unevenly cut fingernails. 

"If you're gonna keep pointing out my outfit like an idiot than I will return home. I rarely get days like this and I don't need you spoiling this for me" Katie frowned as she crossed her arms over her stomach, starting to regret in heading out to town with her team now. 

"Sorry" Keith whispered back, actually looking guilty and giving an apologetic look. 

"Do you want us to wear hats this time around?" Hunk innocently asked as he and Lance wore hats on a rainy day so Pidgin wearing sunglasses didn't stand out so much and it made it look like the three were expecting the day to be sunny. 

"Nah. I won't stand out like a sore thumb this time around. The town is a harbour town, most will have hats or sunglasses on them. I'll blend in with this crowd" Katie answered with a light shrug as she starts to slip her jacket up, leaving it unzipped for now as it felt like a warm day but she knew how bad Gotham weather normally is and she expected a harbour town to be a little cold due to being beside the ocean. 

"It's great to have you joining us" Takashi smiled back as he rested a hand onto her shoulder, glad to have her join them for the whole day and actually leave the cave with them. They would all worried over Batman acting like daddy-bats again and force them to stay inside the castle for the bonding instead. Thankfully he didn't, he gave full permission for her to head to town with them. As long as she keeps her identity hidden, as always. 

"Let's run this town wild" Lance cheered out as he jumped on the spot, throwing his hands into the air and looking forward to their day out together. 

"I'm regretting my decision to join you all already" Keith deadpanned as he glared towards Lance and knowing he'd be having an headace by the end of the day. 

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