Wingless Bird : .039.

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(Katie will be ten and Matt will be fifteen)

"What's your plan for tonight?" Pidgin asked, her voice low and almost frighten over the awaiting answer. 

"We both heard Batman's debrief" Nightwing sighed as he glanced to his partner, Batman already ahead of them on another roof while the pair of them over looked the few alleyways in this block. 

"I know Batman's plan for tonight but what is YOUR plan?" Pidgin asked again, more force in her voice as she pointed out what she was after. She stayed standing behind her brother, a few meters between them while he seemed happy squatted on the ledge. 

"I'm following the plan" Nightwing answered, his voice softer but his jaw was clutched and he really was going to follow a plan, she just knew it wouldn't be the plan offered by batman barely ten minutes ago. 

"But who's?" Pidgin asked again, watching as her partner stood up and turned on the balls of his feet to face her. Their costumes so different in so many ways that they look like complete opposites even on the roof. They didn't look like a team, just mismatched hero's shoved on one team for the night. But that was the beauty of the trio's team, each of them had their own part that helps the night to go smoothly. 

"What are you talking about?" Nightwing asked annoyed, his forehead stretching and showing he was raising an eyebrow behind his mask. He knew she was catching on to his thoughts. 

"I can feel your murderous rage. I can sense your thirst for blood and revenge. I know you want to kill, want to rip her limbs apart and make her feel as much pain as you do. But we're heroes now, we save lives not take them. I need to know that I can reply on you to not cross that look" Pidgin admits out loud, her hands in tight balls by her side and she stared up at her brother. Hoping that hearing what she was feeling from him would be a slap in the face and stop him before it became to late. 

"Shouldn't batman have this talk with me?" Nightwing asked unamused over his younger sister being the one to have this chat with him. 

"He'd let you. He wouldn't stop you if you decide to take Te-Osh life tonight. He'd allow it. Let you chose your own path to walk down. But he won't be the one stuck with blood soaked hands like you would. Red has never been your colour, Matthew, don't start soaking yourself in it now" Pidgin frowned, lowering her head and feeling a wave of anger and sadness wash over her as someone she thought could help was choosing to stand back and watch instead. Her tone was pleading, warning her brother over the pain he'd be left with if he went through with this. 

"You're not the boss of me" Nightwing snapped back, quickly turning his back to her and going back to checking the streets again. 

"I've lost my parents, I won't allow myself to lose my brother next" Katie warned before running off, blinking away her tears as much as she could as she didn't want anyone to see her cry. Her costume was suddenly feel rather tight and heavy, suffocating her more than it ever has and she jumped towards the next roof, needing to feel the breeze hit her face. 

A few hours earlier...

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