Chapter 7

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After finally succeeding in hiring an editor, Lexi wanted nothing more than to celebrate one way or another. But she had a couple of things to attend to before she could even think of doing that.

She had found Jessica right after class to see if she had the notes she had missed while emailing Marcus. Fortunately, Jessica had come in clutch with the notes in question. The pair of them sat on some chairs outside the lecture hall while Lexi scribbled out what she had missed in a black notebook she kept in her bag.

Once that had been taken care of, Lexi thanked her before hightailing it to her apartment. She finished organizing her notes from today's lecture before making her second coffee of the day. She sipped on it while glancing at her To-Do List. Since she was caught up on all readings from her other classes and there weren't any assignments due anytime soon, she didn't have to worry about school for the rest of the day.

I should probably clean my room thoroughly, Lexi thought as she glanced in that direction. She hadn't cleaned her bedroom in a few weeks, and it was starting to show. Her floor almost looked furry from all the dust that had accumulated over time. She hadn't even made her bed today, thanks to oversleeping this morning and having to rush out the door in order to make it on time.

Lexi glanced at the rest of the apartment, which was in far worse shape. Nikita hated cleaning; something she had made very clear the first year they had lived together. Lexi didn't mind because she enjoyed cleaning and maintaining a clean home. But now she wished that Nikita had decided to pitch in and do more than just take the trash out.

The rest of this place can wait. I need to take care of my room now before I snap, Lexi thought as she took a big swig of her coffee.

For the next couple of hours, she dusted, vacuumed, and organized her bedroom while listening to her favourite true crime podcast, Murders From the West Coast. She kept at it until her bedroom looked much cleaner for a change. She still needed to wash her bedsheets and tidy up her closet but decided to stop there for now. She would take care of those chores this weekend in between deep cleaning the rest of the apartment.

Before Lexi could figure out her next move, her phone suddenly rang. She smiled when she saw that it was Isaac. But she then cursed when she realized that she had already missed a call from him half an hour ago. She quickly answered before that call went to voicemail.

"Hey, babe."

"Hey, how's it going?" Isaac greeted.

"I'm good," Lexi replied in between catching her breath. "Sorry I missed your call, I was cleaning. How are you?"

"It's okay, babe," Isaac replied. "I'm good, thanks. I'm finally done with class for the day, so that's nice. I take it you're done class then?"

Lexi sat on her bed, playing with her messy chestnut blonde ponytail. "I am, thankfully. Today's been a really good day— and not just because I'm talking to you now."

Isaac's laugh was loud and bemused. "And why is that?"

"Well, I managed to finally hire an editor to, well, professionally edit my manuscript!" Lexi exclaimed. She couldn't help but laugh in disbelief. "I still can't believe it's happening."

"Lexi, that's great news! I'm so happy for you, baby."

"Thank you. I feel like I'm really making it happen, you know? I can hardly believe it, and yet it's happened."

"I knew you'd get there, babe. So, what happens next?"

"All I can do is sit and wait until he gets back to me with all the edits. God, just thinking about that makes me so fucking nervous."

Lexi's Final YearWhere stories live. Discover now