Chapter 8

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A couple of weeks later, Isaac found himself doing schoolwork alone in the library. He had finished class for the day earlier and decided to catch up on some readings before heading home. Fortunately, he didn't have a lot to do; he only needed to do readings for two of his classes. For the most part, he had managed to avoid procrastinating on a lot of his schoolwork this year. He wasn't perfect; he still had his moments where he would give into procrastinating from time to time. But it wasn't as bad as it had been the past few years or so.

Isaac was so preoccupied with his schoolwork that he didn't realize that someone had approached him. When he finally noticed a person standing at the empty chair across from him, he expected someone to ask if they could borrow it to sit at another table. After all, it was a rather common occurrence that happened at the library.

However, his dark brown eyes locked onto an all too familiar set of hazel eyes. He frowned in an instant.

"Isaac, I'm not looking for trouble," Cassie began in a cautious manner. She seemed to be studying his newfound pissed-off expression with worry.

He didn't want to hear any of it. "Lexi's in class if you were looking to bully her," he sneered.

Cassie flinched at the harsh tone of his voice. "I wasn't looking for Lexi, believe it or not. I was actually looking for you."

Isaac's facial expression changed into one of confusion. He furrowed his eyebrows with thought for a moment. "Wait, what? What the hell do you want from me?"


Now Isaac didn't know what to think of his ex-girlfriend's behaviour. He hadn't forgotten the moment when she's said sorry to him at last month's party. While he hadn't given it much thought since then, it still baffled him to this day. What was she trying to do exactly?

Cassie slowly sunk into the chair across from him with a sullen expression on her face. "Isaac... I'm sorry."

Isaac wanted to respond in a snarky manner. He wanted to tell her how she had made his life hell, as well as Lexi's. He wanted to tell her to fuck off out of his life forever. But hearing Cassie say those two words again threw him off more than he had expected.

"Look, I've done a lot of...thinking...and work on myself," Cassie went on. "I've done a lot of things the past few years that I'm not proud of whatsoever. From how I treated you back when we dated to when we broke up, and how I've lost my temper more times than I can count. When I think back to everything I've done...I hate it. I hate myself for how I've treated you. I'm so truly sorry."

Isaac didn't think he could be anymore stunned— and yet he was. He honestly never thought Cassie would ever apologize to him for all the terrible things she had done to him. She had always been so sure that she was right and had never taken responsibility for any of her actions before. So, for her to do that now had left him completely gobsmacked and speechless.

"When we met Lexi right before we started at NYU, I thought she was snobby, and something about her didn't sit right with me," Cassie added. "I got jealous of her 'cause she's...she's beautiful, Isaac. I know you know that— and I obviously did too. I treated her like shit when we dated 'cause I thought she would try and steal you from me. I truly thought she was gonna convince you to cheat on me or to leave me for her. It's so dumb when I think about it now 'cause I know you would've never done that to me. And then, when you two started dating, I got so angry 'cause it felt like she had stolen you from me after all. So, I wanted to make both your lives hell.

"Look, I meant what I told you last year when I said that I don't want you back. That much is still true. I know we're not right for each other, and...I see how happy you are with Lexi. I...I just want you to be happy, Isaac. That's all I want for you— really."

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