Chapter 34

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"Congrats on joining our team, Isaac. We're excited to have you starting here in a few weeks."

Isaac nodded while shaking the older man's hand. "Thank you again for the opportunity, Mr. Henrick. You won't regret it."

A few minutes later, Isaac left the massive office building that was home to many small businesses. He had just finished his second job interview for a Junior Financial Planner position at Henrick Financial, a small financial planning firm. He had expected the second interview to go well because the first one had gone extremely well. But it turned out to have gone far better than he had anticipated.

The job offer hadn't been expected whatsoever; after all, he had only applied for the vacant position on the recommendation of one of his professors. The Junior Financial Planner position had called for about two years of previous job experience, which was something that he didn't have. But his professor had given Isaac a glowing letter of recommendation before the first interview, which gave him a much-needed ace up his sleeve.

"I believe in giving people straight out of college a chance to prove themselves," the company's founder, Brad Henrick, had said during today's interview. "You seem like a stand-up guy who's just looking for his first post-grad job. I have a good feeling about you."

The surprise job offer resulted in Isaac leaving the office building with a massive smile on his face. He promptly took the subway back to his neighbourhood. As he made the journey there, he texted Lexi.

Isaac: Hey, are you home?

Lexi: I am! I'm all alone too

Isaac: May I please come over?

Lexi: Absolutely!

Isaac: Cool, be there in half an hour

Sure enough, Isaac arrived at Lexi's in record time. She opened the door with a curious look on her face.

"Wow, you clean up well," she remarked while letting him inside.

Isaac glanced down at his outfit— black dress pants, a light green dress shirt, a black blazer, and black dress shoes— before looking back at her. "Thanks, babe."

"What's the occasion?"

"Well...I just came back from my second interview with Henrick Financial as a Junior Financial Planner, and they offered me a job right on the spot!"

Lexi's eyes and jaw went wide. "Oh my God, that's amazing! Congratulations, Isaac!!!"

Isaac smiled as his girlfriend hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Lexi. I can't believe it. I didn't think I was qualified for the job at all, so I'm stunned that I even had a second interview, let alone an offer."

"Well, they clearly believe that you deserve the position," Lexi said. She paused to kiss his cheek. "I'm assuming that you'll start there once school's over in a few weeks?"

"Yeah, that's when the previous person's last day is too," Isaac replied. "It's a full-time job that starts with a $45 000 salary, which is way higher than I thought I'd find in my first job after college."

Lexi raised her eyebrows. "Holy shit, that's fantastic! Is the job in NYC?"

"Yeah, in Manhattan. So, I now need to find an apartment somewhere there," Isaac said. He smiled before kissing the top of her head. "It's gonna be stressful, but that's okay. I'll figure something out."

"Would you like to live with me then?"

Isaac took a step back to look his girlfriend dead in the eye. "What?"

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