Chapter 15

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Once Lexi had finished her Wednesday class the following week, she hightailed it home to finish packing for her Thanksgiving weekend getaway. She had already gotten the majority of it done beforehand, but there were still a couple of things she couldn't pack until now. She finished packing her single suitcase and large black tote bag long before three PM rolled around.

Lexi: Hey, I'm done packing. Want me to walk over to your apartment? That way, your dad doesn't have to drive to 2 places to pick us up.

Lexi proceeded to change into black skinny jeans and a bright pink sweatshirt with a large white heart on it. It was a comfy yet nice-looking outfit. She had even put on a little makeup and tried to get her wavy hair to not look like a hot mess.

Why am I so damn nervous? It's not like I've never met them before, Lexi thought as she threw her long hair into a braid, having given up on taming it.

She suddenly heard her phone go off, so she grabbed it to read Isaac's response.

Isaac: That's a good idea! I'm home now, so come over whenever.

Lexi: I'll be there ASAP

Lexi double-checked her suitcase and tote bag to ensure that she hadn't forgotten to pack anything. Satisfied, she collected her belongings and then left her apartment. She made sure the front door was locked before making the short walk to Isaac's apartment complex.

The journey there was longer than usual due to her lugging a heavy suitcase and an equally heavy tote bag. But she made it there with enough time to spare. She only had to wait a couple of minutes for Isaac to answer the door.

"Hey, come on in!" he greeted in a boisterous manner. He had a large smile on his face as he hugged her.

"Thanks," Lexi replied while hugging him back.

They took a seat on the living room couch. Isaac already had two duffel bags packed and sitting by the front door.

"Where are Felipe and DeShawn?" Lexi asked.

"Felipe's in class and won't be going home until tonight. DeShawn already left 'cause he only had an eight AM lab this morning," Isaac explained. "So, I'm all alone."

Lexi raised her eyebrows. "Not anymore."

Isaac laughed before kissing her lips. He then wrapped an arm around her shoulders to pull her close to his chest. Lexi grinned as she looked up at him. He captured her lips in another tender kiss, so she closed her eyes to savour this sensation. They then broke apart and exchanged smiles.

"Are you excited?" Isaac asked.

"I am," Lexi answered with a nod. "I think it'll be a lot of fun."

"So do I," Isaac said. "Thanks again for coming."

"Of course! Thank you for inviting me in the first place. It means a lot."

The couple shared another kiss just as Isaac's phone went off. He typed out a reply a moment later before shoving his phone back into his jeans pocket.

"My dad's almost here."

"Oh, good," Lexi said. "I'm ready to go."

A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Isaac answered it before hugging his father.

"Hey, Dad! How have you been?"

"I'm good, Isaac," his father replied. He then glanced over at Lexi. "Hello, Lexi."

"Hi, James," she said before giving him a short hug. "Nice to see you again."

"Same to you. Do you mind if I use your washroom before we go, Isaac?"

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