Chapter 28

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The first couple of weeks of February went by quietly, much to Lexi's relief. After the intense conversation she had late last month with Cassie, she didn't want to deal with any drama. She put her head down and carried on with school and working at Barnes & Noble like she always did. If she wasn't at either place, she would hang out with Isaac or with him and their friend group.

She ran into Cassie at every group hangout— something she had now come to expect. It didn't bother her as much as it had before their heart-to-heart. Lexi also made a point to be more vocal instead of withdrawn during the hangouts. She didn't speak directly to Cassie much at all, but she didn't have trouble making eye contact with her like she used to. The hangouts felt less awkward now, much to Lexi's relief. In fact, she no longer dreaded seeing Cassie as much as she used to.

Despite this positive development, Lexi still wasn't eager to forgive Cassie. Her feelings toward her weren't as negative as they had been prior to their chat, but they still weren't great. It would take more than a couple of weeks to undo three years of damage. Still, Cassie continued to be respectful and not go back to her old ways.

There was also one more thing outside of the Cassie situation, school, work, Isaac, and their friends that weighed heavily on Lexi's mind: her manuscript.

She had gotten in touch with Mandy again by mid-January to get another update on her manuscript. When Lexi learned that it had received three rejections, she grew more disheartened than before. But Mandy remained optimistic.

"I believe in you, and I believe in your manuscript," she told her in a phone call they had had last month. "If I didn't, I wouldn't have wanted to represent you in the first place."

Lexi hadn't heard a peep from her since then, which only added to her dismay. Yet Mandy's words continued to ring in her ears anytime she dwelled on it.

It was Thursday afternoon when Lexi left her last lecture of the week to finally head home. She checked her phone, only to find that she had missed a call from Mandy half an hour ago.

Crap, I need to call her back NOW, she thought as she picked up the pace of her steps.

Lexi returned the call as soon as she was outside and away from most surrounding noises.

"Hello, Lexi!"

"Mandy, hi," Lexi greeted while catching her breath from hightailing it from class. "Sorry I missed your call, I was just finishing up my lecture."

"It's all good," Mandy said without worry. "I needed to call to tell you that it's happening."

Lexi's brain suddenly began to work slowly. "It's...happening?"

Mandy giggled. "Your manuscript is being published by Reaver Publications!"

Lexi gasped louder than she expected. "Are...are you serious? Please tell me it's serious."

"They loved it, Lexi. They loved your manuscript," Mandy gushed. "They want to publish your book!"

It was all too much for Lexi to take. Her heart pounded in her chest as tears spilled from her eyes in an instant.

"Oh my God...I can't believe it," she said while trying to process the news. "I'm excited about it, I swear. I just can't believe this is happening, that's all!"

"I know it's a lot to take in," Mandy replied with a kind voice. "I wish I had more details to give you, but a few more things need to be ironed out first. When the contract with Reaver Publications is finalized, I'll have you drop by my office so we can look it over and sign it. Does that work for you?"

"Absolutely," Lexi blurted. Her cheeks turned red from how excited she sounded. "I'll come in whenever you need me to."

"Excellent! I should have it all sorted out in a few days or so," Mandy revealed. "Until then, congratulations! I knew this would happen."

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