Chapter 22

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Lexi had been back in San Diego for nearly a week by the time Christmas Eve finally rolled around. She and her parents would be hosting her paternal grandparents and many more relatives from her father's side of the family on Christmas Day. That's why she spent today helping her mom with buying last-minute food items and preparing to cook tomorrow's big dinner.

"Today has been quite hectic," she remarked as she and her mother returned home after spending the past couple of hours running errands.

"Tell me about it," her mother said in between a tired sigh.

"I appreciate everything you two have done," Lexi's father said as he helped put away groceries.

Once everything was all organized in its rightful place, Lexi and her parents sat in the living room. Lexi sat in a cozy white chair while her parents took up the couch. A local news channel played quietly on TV as the sun shone brightly through the big windows. It was colder than usual by California standards, with the sun making it appear much warmer out than it was.

"I'm glad we finally got all our running around down," Lexi's mother remarked with an exhausted grin.

"So am I," Lexi replied, blinking sleepily.

"We've been so busy with work and getting ready for Christmas that we've hardly had a chance to catch up with you," her mother said. She glanced down at the ground with a guilty expression.

"It's okay," Lexi responded. "I'm just so happy to be home for a change."

"And we're happy to have you home," her father piped up, smiling wide. "How did your exams go?"

"They went really well," Lexi answered with a relieved grin. "I passed all my classes with flying colours! And once the next semester is over, then I'll officially be done with school forever! I can hardly believe it."

"It feels like just yesterday when you moved to New York for the first time," her mother remarked. "Do you still plan to stay there after graduating?"

Lexi nodded. "I know I can make it work."

"I know you can too," her father chimed in. "How's Isaac, by the way?"

"Isaac is doing well, thank you for asking. He's home in Buffalo, visiting his family."

Lexi's mother made an unimpressed facial expression. Lexi frowned in response.

"Sorry, it has nothing to do with Isaac," her mother explained. "I'm just still upset over what happened back at Thanksgiving when his mother hurt your feelings."

"Your mother told me everything that happened," her father added, shaking his head. "That woman had some serious nerve to talk to you like that. We may have paid for your college, but that's because we wanted to. We didn't want you to have to pay off student loans for years and years like your mother and I had to."

"And I'm super grateful for everything you and Mom have done for me," Lexi interrupted earnestly. "I hope you two know that. I've never taken that for granted."

"We do, dear," her father replied.

"I hope she apologized for what happened," her mother sneered, making her discontent crystal clear.

"Oh, she did," Lexi admitted.

Her mother raised her eyebrows. "She did?"

Lexi nodded before sharing with her parents how Isaac and his parents had arrived at her apartment to make things right on the same day she had returned to New York City. She also admitted that she hadn't spoken to Isaac's parents since then— something she was secretly glad about.

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