Chapter 27

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As soon as Lexi had left the apartment after the impromptu and emotional talk, Cassie disappeared into her bedroom and collapsed on top of her bed. Her fingers shook as she grabbed her phone and dialled Dr. Rich. Mariana hadn't even bothered to follow her in, much to Cassie's relief. She desperately needed to be alone to process the emotional conversation she had just had with Lexi.

Please pick up, please pick up, Cassie repeated to herself in her head.

"Hello?" Dr. Rich answered on the third ring.

"Dr. Rich, it's me...Cassie," Cassie said in between her tears. They continued to stream down her cheeks at a consistent rate.

"I figured as much. What's wrong?"

"I...I just apologized to Lexi."

"Oh, good. How did it go?"

" it okay if I just recap the whole thing? Sorry, I know you're busy, so this can wait if need be."

"No, you caught me getting organized in between therapy sessions. Tell me as much as you wish."

Cassie proceeded to give a play-by-play breakdown of the heart-to-heart that Mariana had facilitated between her and Lexi. She became even more upset and teary as she recalled how upset Lexi had become during their emotional conversation, as well as the fact that she wasn't able to forgive Cassie just yet.

That last part didn't upset Cassie, as she had expected it going into their tense conversation. What had gotten her all worked up was the fact the conversation had happened in the first place. She had become so stressed out from the possibility of it taking place that it was finally coming out in the form of sobs. It had worked her up into an emotional tizzy, the put it mildly. She was also relieved that Lexi had listened to her in the first place, rather than walk out without attempting to hear her out whatsoever. It had meant the world to Cassie that Lexi gave her the chance to say her piece in the first place.

"I'm so glad that it finally happened," she croaked out after she finished explaining everything.

"Well, I'm very proud of you, Cassie," Dr. Rich boasted in a cheerful voice. "It sounds as though it was a very productive conversation for the both of you."

A fresh batch of tears started to spill, much to Cassie's dismay. She couldn't help it; she couldn't recall a time that even her mother had said such a thing— or any other female figure in her life, for that matter. While Dr. Rich wasn't her mother, she was the strong adult female figure that she had been missing her entire life. So, to hear her say that meant the world to Cassie.

"Thank you," she muttered.

"You sound really upset about what happened. Are you okay?" Dr. Rich asked.

"I...I don't know," Cassie answered with an exhausted laugh. "I feel good and shitty about it at the same time, I guess. I feel good 'cause I finally apologized to Lexi. But I also feel shitty 'cause I wished I'd never done all those awful things to her in the first place."

"I understand, but it's time to let go of the past," Dr. Rich said. "Moving forward is the only way to move on."

Cassie sighed, knowing full well that her therapist was right. "I'll try. It won't be easy, but I'll try my best."

"It'll be worth it, I promise," Dr. Rich replied.

The phone call lasted for a few more minutes before Dr. Rich had to leave to finish preparing for her next session. Cassie hung up before curling up into a ball on her bed once again. Sobs continued to leave her body, making her shake violently.

She heard her bedroom door open and then close a few moments later. Knowing exactly who it was, she didn't even bother looking up from her pillow.

"Cassie, I...I don't know what to say," Mariana admitted.

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