Chapter 4

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Zayns POV continues...

I just went with something casual today, dark blue skinny jeans with a tight white top and a light blue jacket. Simple. I styled my hair into a quiff like I normally do and tugged on a few bracelets. I was the last one to be ready and when I made my way to the front door, I saw Harry and Liam waiting for me. Niall and Lou had left already so it was only us 3. It just hit 10.00 so I wasn't running late, they were just ready early. "Ready guys?" I asked.

"Actually we've been ready for 20 minutes" Liam sarcastically noted.

I rolled my eyes. "It takes time to look this good" I gestured myself up and down. Harry opened his mouth to make a smart ass comment "Shut it Styles!" I told him before he could say anything. He just smirked and opened the door, leading us to the car. Harry's the only one out of us 3 who can drive so I guess it's good he came. Saves Liam and I having to call up a Taxi.

It wasn't a talkative ride there. No one said anything, we just listened to the music playing and looked out, watching the atmosphere. London really was a beautiful place. Quite a relaxed area to live. We reached the cinemas and hopped out the car. Harry and Liam put on there sun glasses and popped there hoodies over their heads, to not get recognized by fans. I placed my sunglasses on but forgot to wear a hoody so I will most likely get noticed if its busy. "Zayn you always forget to wear a hoody and we always get bombarded my fans" Harry hissed at me. I shrugged, letting the matter pass. It was never busy here, especially on school days, so not many younger fans would be away from school. I didn't worry to much.

We made our way through the doors and headed for the food court. Like I thought, hardly anyone was here and it was mainly adults so we were safe. Harry and Liam noticed that to and took there hoodies and sun glasses off. I kept mine on. We decided on just getting Nando's and ordered our food. We sat down at a nearby table and started to talk. "So how's Danielle, why haven't we seen her in a while?" I asked Liam.

"Things with Dani are amazing actually!" He's smile stretching as far as it could go. "She's on tour at the moment with X Factor but we've been talking a lot on the phone and I sent her some flowers to tell her I love her and that! It's hard not seeing her as much but I'm glad we are back together. I missed her so much and she said she missed me so I'm happy!" He concluded with another huge smile. I'm glad his happy! When him and Danielle broke up a couple months ago he was so upset. He would sit in his room all day and just stare at the ceiling. He would go on twitter to try cheer him up but he never was happy and when you see your best friend upset and you can't do anything about it, it sucks, bad. So when they spoke again and got back together it was so much easier and there was more life and spirit in him.

"That's great Li, it's good to see you happy again!" I smiled at him.

"So how are you Zayn? How are you since the breakup?" He asked me. Perrie and I split up about 3 weeks ago. It was purely on the decision that it was to hard to keep a relationship going when we never got to see each other. Either I was on tour or she was so we never got to see each other and it was to much for the both of us. So we called it quits. It was easy to deal with, considering both of us felt the same way about the situation. It was hard but it was better this way, so I decided not to be low and keep on enjoying life. But I told myself that I won't go getting into a relationship to quickly. Wait a bit until it feels right again and until I find someone I want to be with and not just a fling.

"Yeah, not to bad actually. It's hard because I still love her but it's best we just stay friends. Too much complications in the relationship as well. Sick of the rumors, so it kinda feels good to get away from it all and she's stopped getting hate now, which is great. Not so much drama" I smiled. As much as I miss her, I was still happy. How couldn't I be? I had amazing best friends, the best career and fans I could possibly ask for and family who will support me no matter what.

"Good to hear Zayn. You deserve to be happy." Harry said. I almost forgot he was even here. Which makes me feel bad. Liam nodded in agreement

"Thanks Haz. Thanks Liam."

Our food arrived and we dug straight in. We talked untill about 12.30 and decided to head to the cinemas and get ourselves ready for the movie. We got a few fans come up to us and ask for a photo and autographs but we don't mind. As long as we have some space and not too many people come up to us at the same time it's fine. We made our way to the food stand to get our snacks. Bloody hell, it's always to hard to decide what to get. I just drank so I'm not thirsty but I might be during the movie. And I want popcorn but I really want MNM's. Or there's an ice cream. Too much to choose from. Liam and Harry already bought what they wanted. Harry bought a large popcorn and drink, while Liam bought a drink and an ice cream. I thought it was too hard but I made a decision!

"Can I please have 1 large Pepsi, 1 large popcorn. A packet of MNM's and a vanilla ice cream?" I asked and gave the man the money. I couldn't hold everything so I turned around and asked Liam to hold my ice cream and Harry to hold my MNM's. They shook their heads at me and chuckled but both ended grabbing the items.

It was now 12.55 and the movie was starting soon. We made our way to cinema 8 and sat at the back right in the middle. We were the only 3 people in the whole cinema. The movie previews started and we waited to see if anyone else was coming to watch the movie but no one came in. "Hmm" I thought to myself "This could get fun." I grabbed a handful of popcorn and chucked it at Harry. He looked surprised.

"Hey!" He's mouth was an 'o' shape but soon turned into a smirk. He took a handful of his own popcorn and threw it at me! I jumped over the seats to the aisle behind us, to shield myself. Harry crouching in front of his chair so I couldn't hit him.

"Really guys?" Liam said as he was in between us and practically the only one getting hit with popcorn. "the movies about to start and what if someone comes in?" he asked.

"Lighten up Li, have some fun." I told him. He just sighed, knowing that me and Harry are to childish and wouldn't stop just cause someone 'might' come in.

"Fine but stop hitting me with popcorn" he paused for a second. "And give me some." he reached over the chair and took a handful of popcorn, shoved it in his mouth and took another.

"You know Harry is right next to you?" he shrugged and started to watch the movie. I hit Harry one last time, and jumped back over the chair to where I was sitting before. "Movies starting and Megan is already on the screen" I looked at Harry who had popcorn all wrapped in his curls. He didn't realize but I'm not going to say anything. He tried to throw some more popcorn at me but hit Liam instead. I couldn't see his face but I'm guessing Liam gave him a serious look because Harry just sat back on his chair and started watching the movie without another word.

Chapter 4 is done! Hope you're enjoying it :)

In Love With My Best Friend (Ziam, Larry)Where stories live. Discover now