Chapter 21

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Sorry it took forever for me to update! Had heaps of Homework leading up to Exams and I had work so it was really hard to write. I'm actually writing this instead of doing my Expository Essay which I haven't even started which is due on Wednesday. So you better like it!! Credit for this chapter goes to Jordan (@jelijah) because she gave me the idea for this chapter basically, I just put it into a story so thank you because I had writers block :)  This idea will be split into two chapters because it is too long for just one.

Liam's POV

Why am I such a bad person? I honestly don't deserve to have someone as amazing as Zayn to be my best friend or my friend in general. I left him heartbroken. He took all his courage to tell me how he feels and all I could say to him was that I don't like him in that way because I have a girlfriend and isn't gay and then I went and hugged him. I am honestly stupid, obviously hugging him would make the situation worse! And than Harry said he cried a bit last night because of it all. I'm not good enough to cry over, especially to someone like Zayn. He could like anyone and have anyone he wants, yet for some reason he likes me. There's nothing special about me. I'm not funny like Louis, I'm not layed back and loving life all the time like Niall, I'm not cheeky or flirty like Harry and I'm definitely not as good looking as Zayn. I mean he is something. Wait. Not in the I like him, his hot way. No. In the he's a good looking bloke, I wish I could look like that way. Yes. I'm just plain boring me. Always serious, humorless, dull and not as attractive at what people say I am. My lips are too big, my eyes are plain, my nose is uneven, my eyebrows are boofy and  my hair is just, I don't even know but it looks terrible lately. There's nothing special about me. I don't understand what Zayn or Danielle or anyone who may like me sees because I don't don't see anything. 

I just hate how everything is so complicated! Things are going to be so awkward between us that I don't know if we can ever have a friendship close to what we used to. I don't want it to be like that but we haven't even seen or spoken to each other since yesterday and I just don't think he'll want to be near me after I hurt him. I don't know how badly I hurt him but I still did that to him and he now probably hates me.

The worst thing though is that last night I had the weirdest dream. I was at a cute little restaurant in a suit and I was on a date with someone, who I assumed was Danielle but she was in the bathroom. I was looking at the atmosphere of the restaurant when my date returned. I turned back to be met with the most beautiful shade of brown eyes, which sparkled perfectly from the reflection of the chandlers light. These pair of eyes didn't belong to Danielle though, they belonged to Zayn. He sat across from me, looking extremely cute in his grey suit. He started to lean in for a kiss and I was doing the same. Before my lips could connect with his, I woke up panting and out of breath. Was that dream trying to tell me something or am I thinking to much into it? You cant control your dreams though, I mean if I could I would have Danielle in front of me instead of Zayn. Wouldn't I? Yes, yes I would. Because Danielle is my soul mate and I love her more than anything but I can't help wonder what Zayn's lips taste like. Liam shut the fuck up now. See now I'm even swearing because of all this. Ahhhh I just want to scream. 

"Leyummmm." Louis called, knocking on my bedroom door. "Harry stop it." I herd him whisper followed by a giggle.

"Yeah come in Lou." I replied. "And Harry." I added, just so he knows I herd him. Harry opened the door and walked in smirking with Louis following behind closing the door when he came in. Harry immediately layed down on my bed, while Louis sat on my cocoon chair. Cool I know. I had a book in my hand which I wasn't really reading, so I closed it and placed it on the bedside table. "How can I help you this fine evening?" I asked poshly, if that's even a word. It was around 5ish. 

"You are coming out with us tonight." Louis stated. I knew what he meant by going out and I did not want to go out tonight. 

"No I'm not." I replied quickly. "No way."

In Love With My Best Friend (Ziam, Larry)Where stories live. Discover now