Chapter 34

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Harry's POV

 Once Niall and Josh left it was just Liam, Louis and I in the room. Liam had sat back down on the couch, with his head in his hands. We expected them to come back happier and closer than ever but something on their trip made them do the opposite. Louis sat beside him and placed an arm around his shoulder, trying to comfort him. If it were anyone else I would probably get jealous because I’m not a fan of people Louis get close to but because it's Liam it's alright. 

"Liam what happened?" Louis asked sympathetically.

"I don't know." Liam whispered. 

"Liam if you tell me, I can help you through it." Louis told him. Liam shook his head. "Go talk to Zayn, if he'll talk to anyone it'll be you." Louis said to me and I nodded. I walked over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He gave me a small smile before I headed upstairs. 

Zayn's door was closed but I couldn't hear any sounds coming from inside. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer but nothing was said. I knocked again, sighing to myself when I got the same result. "Zayn, can I come in? You need to talk to someone." I pleaded. "Zayn, please." There was still no response and I wasn't just going to stand here and wait for him to open the door when I know there's something wrong, so I knocked one more time. When nothing was said, I opened the door, being thankful it wasn't locked. Zayn layed on his bed, starring up at the ceiling, not moving an inch or saying a word. He looked blankly into space.

Sometimes when Zayn gets upset about things he spaces out and keeps everything to himself. It's not really healthy but it's his way of coping with situations. He stayed in his room for 2 weeks after one of his friends past away in a car accident. The only time he came out was to get something to eat or if he was forced to attend an interview. He didn't speak to anyone about it and when we tried to comfort him, he just shook us away. It was completely understandable but we all just wished we could help him in some way but until he felt better we couldn't do anything. Luckily we didn't have any concerts on but maybe if we did it would make him open up a bit.

I closed the door, quietly behind me and walked over and layed next to him on the bed. He scooted over a bit, allowing me more room so I wouldn't fall off the bed. "What's wrong Zee?" I asked.

A minuted past before Zayn finally spoke. "Harry" I hummed in response. "Do you think that what Liam and I have is real?" He asked quietly.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Do you think's hard to explain, but do you think Liam is with me because of his emotional feelings or because he just has some physical needs? Like he's just physically attracted to me and there isn't any emotional type of connection for him." I knew he was confused. You could hear it in the way he spoke. Never has he truly thought Liam would return the same feelings as him. 

"The way Liam is now, I would say that he feels the same way about you, as what you feel towards him. Now why would you think it was just a physical attraction?" I asked. Then something hit me "Wait. What did he do?" I asked, sitting up quickly, looking down at Zayn. Zayn gave me a weird look and sat up, looking back at me. "Did he try know?" I questioned. He bit his lip and looked away from my gaze.

"Well yeah but-"

"And you didn't want to." I finished for him. He looked back at me and nodded.

"I wanted to but I couldn't do it. But-" He tried to talk but I was getting too angry to allow him to finish.

"That dickhead." I muttered, standing up off from the bed.

"Harry, just let me finish explaining." Zayn pled, taking hold of my arm and giving me a stern look.

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