Chapter 27

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Sorry to update so late, I've had exams and my birthday and all other stuff that doesn't really matter now! Anyway thanks for the reads, comments and votes. It’s crazy that this story has nearly reached 400 votes and 10 000 reads!! The idea for this came from @LoveCali and this chapter is dedicated to her. Ideas for the next chapter came from @ziamdude and if you haven't followed, follow him now. Ziam shippers ;)

Zayn's POV

I was having an amazing dream about Liam and me. We were at this little restaurant, just enjoying each other’s company. The restaurant was nice, small, yet large. It had a very relaxed feeling to it, with classical music playing softly in the background. There was small chandeliers hanging high from the roof and the tables were covered with blue and white checked cloths. There was no one else in the restaurant but us. Liam looked absolutely gorgeous as always, wearing a tight white top, the fabric clinging to his chest with black skinny jeans. We were talking about something when he spoke 'Let me tell you something." He gestured with his finger for me to come closer. He was already leaning towards me on the table, so when I leaned in our lips were only inches apart. "Can I just say...” He continued. "You look incredibly sexy tonight and when we get home I'm going to-"

My dream was interrupted by the sound of pests screaming in my ear. And when I say pests I mean Harry, Louis and Niall.  "Good Morning, GOOOOOOOOD MORNING. It's time to get up." They chorused. We have another week off, why can't they just leave me alone, and let me sleep?

"Wake up Sleepy head." One of them said, I think it may have been Niall.

"Fuck off." I groaned. I flung my hand around trying to hit one of them but missed completely.

"WAKEE UPPP ZAYNIEE. IT’S A SPEACIAL DAY TODAYYYYYY!!!" Louis, of course, sang very loudly. Special Day? It's not a special day. I groaned and rolled to my side, blocking my ears with my pillow, hoping that they would go away. But no. They are like flies. One of them grabbed the pillow, making my head fall to the mattress. I groaned again at the loss of my good friend. I loved that pillow. 

"Today's your date day!" Harry announced happily. This caught my attention and I peeled my eyes open to see all 3 of them looking down at me, Niall with a goofy grin on his face and Lou and Harry smirking. I looked at them confused. What are they on about? They wake me up on my day off, no one wakes me up on my day of, trust me and say that I have a date day, of course I'm going to be confused.

"What on earth are you guys talking about? I just want to sleep, is that too much to ask for?" I asked. I really wasn't in the mood for their games now, I just wanted to be alone and think about Liam. Actually where is Liam? Before I had the chance to ask, Niall opened his mouth, answering my last question.

"I know you love your sleep but I know you will love this even more." He smiled. Love what more? Someone stop talking in riddles and tell me what's going on.

"Just go to the wardrobe and you will see." Louis smiled cheekily. "I promise nothing is going to jump out and attack you, remember we are even now. No pranks." He grinned. He pointed to the closet and they watched me waiting. I hesitantly pulled the blanket off my body and slowly walked over to the wardrobe. 

"And nothing is going to eat me or something when I open this door?" I checked. They just laughed and Louis shook his head. I placed my ear on the door anyway, seeing if I can hear anyone breathing. They may say that nothings in there but with them and them acting so strange I wouldn't be surprised. I opened the door slightly and peeked in. Seeing as nothing was going to jump me, I opened it completely. There was nothing in there, just my clothes and shoes, nothing out of the ordinary. I was going to question them when a white paper, sticking out from beneath one of my shirts caught my attention. I picked it up and opened it.

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