Chapter 15

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I'm very very sorry but this is a filler chapter because I'm having writers block and I had no idea who's POV to do and so this chapter wont be very long and hopefully I will be able to get rid of my writers block and write long, good chapters again :) 

But if you have any ideas on how to develop Larry and Ziam, please let me know or if you have any ideas on whos POV I should do for the next chapter, that would help heaps! Sorry if this chapters not the best :/ Over 900 reads and over 80 votes!!! Thank you so much, hopefully after this chapter we can reach up to 1000 reads, you guys are amazing <3

Niall's POV

I was watching T.V on the couch, when a strong arm wrapped around my shoulder. I felt tingles run through my body, just from that touch. I look up to be met with soft lips attaching themselves to mine. I couldn't help but smile through the kiss. My hand went up to cradle their cheek. It was a quick but loving kiss. We pulled away and sat there with our foreheads resting against each other.

"Hey" I said, smiling like an idiot.

"Hey cutie" Josh replied, also smiling his cute, adorable smile. "Come here" He said, opening his arms.

I happily cuddled against his warm chest and we sat there in a comfortable silence enjoying each others company. I didn't want to go see Jasmine the other week, not because I wanted to rest but because of Josh. Josh and I have been dating since a week before the boys and I went to Australia. I don't really know how it happened but I'm glad it did. We were just goofing around one day. I was playing with his drum set and he hates it when I touch it, so he began to chase me around and before you know it we were in a full on snog session. That accelerated quickly. At the time we thought it was just in the heat of the moment but after that, every time we saw each other I had to be close to him. I wanted to feel his lips on mine again and again and cuddle up to him and banter with each other and just be together. I wasn't going to tell him because I thought he was straight but when I was over at his place one night he surprised me.


Me and Josh had just finished watching a movie and I was putting the bowls that were filled with popcorn but had nothing in them anymore, may I add, into the sink. I felt two hands grab my shoulders and spin me around, so I was now leaning against the sink and facing him. Before i could say anything, he had leaned in and began kissing me. My eyes were wide open in shock. He began, moving his lips against mine more and I soon melted into him. I closed my eyes and snaked my arms around his neck, while he wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled on the hairs at the back of his neck and he gasped. I took this as a chance and shoved my tongue into his mouth, making him moan. I smirked and our tongues fought for dominance. He ended up winning and his tongue explored my mouth. We eventually had to pull away for air but I could still feel the tingling feeling on my lips that Josh left.

He smiled down at me as he spoke. "Niall I know it might be strange but the truth is I really like you. I've never felt this way for another guy before but for it to happen, the feelings must be strong. I don't know if you feel the same way but I really want to be with you. More than anything." He took a deep breath. "Wil- Will you go out with me?" He asked nervously, I could see in his eyes that he was worried I would reject him but ever since we kissed- actually snogged- I couldn't stop thinking about him.

My eyes met with his. "Yes" I replied and I could see the relieve wash over his features as he smiled hugely. I pulled him into another long meaningful kiss.

*End Flashback*

And that's basically how me and Josh became a couple. I never really thought about guys in this way, other than my mini attraction for Liam about a year ago but that was just because he's extremely fit. Josh was just different to other people, I don't know how to describe it but he makes you feel like the most important person in the world. No matter what, he will always be there for you. Even if it's 2 in the morning and his across the other side of the world, he will help. I'm not just saying that either. I was feeling really disappointed about a performance in Melbourne and for some odd reason management didn't let the band come with us because who the hell knows why..anyway I called him up and it was probably around 4 in the morning for him because I forgot about the time difference between Australia and London. Stupid me. But even though he was tired he talked to me about it and said sweet things to me about how my voice is so beautiful and no matter how bad I think I sung, everyone will always disagree. He always told me I had a voice of an angel but I never do believe him, but he tells me anyway.

We aren't planning on telling anyone any time soon. We really like each other and we don't want to keep lying to the boys or our families but we want to take this relationship slowly and enjoy what we have before telling anyone about it. They guys just think I come over here to hang out with Josh or write music, so I don't think they will be figuring it out any time soon. And I don't think any of them are against gays or bisexuals but I want to make sure before I tell them, just in case. My biggest worry would be telling Zayn because of his culture and because his as straight as a guy can get but knowing him, he would understand. We discussed when we would tell people and we agreed in a couple months because in that period of time we will be able to see how our relationship is going and where it's taking us in the future. 

Josh was playing with my hair as I cuddled with him on the couch of his flat. He had a room mate but he was away for a week visiting friends so me and Josh had the whole place to ourselves for the week. But no we haven't gone that far yet. We have snogging sessions on his bed but that's as far as things have gone for the time and I'm alright with that..for now. I mean, who wouldn't want to be close to Josh? Even ours fans love Josh, some of them love him more than us but I completely understand. He is extremely hot and talented with a drum kit. Man, when I see him playing the drums, I just want to go up to him and-

"Niall." Josh spoke, interrupting my day dream.

"Hmmm" I hummed in reply.

"What are you thinking about babe?" He asked. Gosh, when he calls me babe, I swear my heart stops.

"You." I simply replied. 

"Really? And what about me where you thinking about?" He asked with a hint of humor in his voice.

"Ohh nothing really, just how hot and sexy you look when you play the drums." I replied innocently.

"I'm hot and sexy am I?" He smirked. I hummed in reply. "Well if you think that then you wouldn't mind if I do this." He pushed me back against the couch, so I was now lying on my back while he was on top of me and pressed his lips to mine. 

He took his lips away from mine and I pouted at him. He began butterfly kissing me down my neck, which tickled. "Josh stop, you know I'm ticklish there." I giggled. He smiled and started kissing up my neck until he reached my lips again. This time I took his face with my hands and pressed our lips together, me taking over. I licked his bottom lip and he granted me entry almost instantly. I let my tongue explore every inch of his mouth, wanting as much of him as I could get. I could kiss him all day but unfortunately we had to break apart to get some air back into our lungs.

"Yeah you're right, I don't mind if you do that." I smirked.

So that wasn't a very long chapter but there is now some Nosh in the story. They arn't going to be major but a couple chapters about them, here and there. School starts on Monday again and I still have writers block but hopefully Chapter 16 will be up in a week or so :) Just a couple votes on this chapter because it was a filler chapter! Hope you like the story, you are all AMAZING AND I LOVE YOU ALL HEAPS

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