Chapter 24

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LARRY'S FIRST DATE will be put into 2 chapters because it's too perfect to have squished in 1 chapter. And sorry it took forever to update :(


Louis' POV :)

 I layed on my bed with Harry as he played with my fingers. He has seemed a bit weird and nervous since this morning and I don't know why. We had an interview in the morning and we just got home. I looked at Harry. He really is something. I could run my fingers through his curly locks all day and I could kiss those lips for the rest of my life. His eyes shine so beautifully and his dimples are simply adorable. I don't know how someone like him could possibly like me. We still haven't said the 'I Love You' yet but I'm planning on saying it soon. I'm just worried that he won't say it back. I know he has feelings for me but there is just that worry in the pit of your stomach that makes you think otherwise.

 "Louis, I've been meaning to ask you something." Harry said quietly.

 "Yeah what is love?" I asked. A small smile formed on his face making me smile. He sat up and I did the same. He placed his hands in mine, looking directly into my eyes.

 "I know I'm a bit late in asking but erm....well I was wondering if...maybe you want to go on a date with me tonight?" He asked slowly. I chuckled at him. I don't understand why he was worried.

 "Of course I will." I smiled and he jumped out of bed with the biggest grin spread across his face exposing his dimples.

 "Good! I need to go get everything sorted! You on the other hand have to stay in your room for the rest of the day and you can't leave. If you want food message someone." He continued to smile.

 "Aww but Harry! It's only 12.00 and if I have to be trapped in here for ages I want you to be with me." I pouted. He chuckled and stepped forward, using his hands as balance on the bed and leaning down to kiss me. It was quick but passionate.

 "Don't worry babe, the wait will be worth it and information about when to be ready and what to wear and stuff will come soon." he beamed down at me.

 "Fine but only because it's you." I replied. He winked before exiting the room. I layed back down and just smiled up at the roof, I couldn't help it. It will be mine and Harry's first date and I'm sure it will be perfect, just like him.


I walked back and forth in my room. I've been in here for about 3 hours and am completely bored. I messaged all the boys and none of them have brought me food like Harry said they would. Mean. I wouldv'e gone out there by now but Harry told me to stay in here, so I will. I am so bored though. There is only few things you can do in a room for a long period of time by yourself.

 "HARRY, EITHER GET ME FOOD OR COME IN HERE AND KEEP ME COMPANY!" I screamed, hoping he would hear me. About 20 seconds  later there was a quick knock at the door and a little white envelope was slipped under the door. I picked it up and opened it immediately.


 Once in a while you would lay your head on my shoulder,

 and once in a while, I would forget how to breathe.

 How is it possible to miss you, when we have spent barley anytime apart?

 Your voice is sensual, your gestures are elegant, and your good taste with your clothes also impresses me, although you have a casual way about you.

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