Chapter 6

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Well heres Chapter 6, Harry's POV :) Thank you rachel_is_my_name for commenting and giving feedback! Meant a lot <3 Hope you all enjoy this Chapter and thank you to all those still reading! It will soon get into the storyline but thats a couple chapters away x

Harry POV

"That was a pretty good movie" Zayn said as we walked out of the cinemas towards the food stand and arcade area. "Megan is a really good actor!"

"Yeah it was alright" Said Liam "She was really good but the guy that played her love interest was terrible! I mean, he didn't understand the meaning of love. When you love someone, you never let them go and you will love them unconditionally and go to there house if they need something, even if it's 2 in the morning. And that's not even the half of it. This guy though, dates Megan's character for 2 weeks, than starts ignoring her for no reason. I mean what good person does that? And she just forgives him? Honestly, the romance part of the movie was awful." Liam concluded his rant. WOW I was not expecting that response. I was expecting a 'yeah the movie was good but I've seen better.'"

"You're whipped." I smirked at Liam. "Danielle's got you whipped" I chuckled when I saw the expression on his face. Zayn laughed too.

"I'm, I am-am not." he mumbled. "I just really like her." he stated. Aww cute.

"That's cute. I might find myself a girl soon. Actually why don't I look for one now?" I asked them. "but you 2 have to be my wing man. Its 2.30 so we have about an hour before we have to leave before kids get here." I said. They looked at me weirdly.

"If you want to Harry but you can't just find a girl. I mean something will bring you together, not you being bored of being alone and finding whatever's around. That shouldn't be how it works." Liam told me. He spoke to me as if I was pulling a crime. Liam's always one to be serious when it comes to these sorts of things but I wasn't doing anything wrong. I'm not going to sleep with a girl then dis her the next day. I'm not like that, I would never do that to a girl who had real feelings towards me. Anyway, I actually was looking for a serious relationship. Everyone's either has girlfriends or Someone they can see whenever they wanted to but I had no one like that other then the boys and my family but i can't always see them. Not only that but it feels as though a piece of my heart Is missing and and just waiting for the perfect someone to come along and fill that emptiness that's inside of me that I can't fill without them. Sounds soppy and stupid. I know. But I don't even know how to explain it. I think I just need someone in my life to love me for me and not the famous me. Not that I'm different in front of cameras but I want someone to love me for what I'm like away from the cameras as well. And unless they have no idea who One Direction is that might be a bit difficult.

"Liam, honestly I'm not going to be stupid. I really want to find someone who makes me happy and makes me smile unconditionally. I'm not going to leave after I got some loving" I told him. I sounded a bit harsher then I meant but he was practically saying that I would do that and I wouldn't. I would never. He nodded and entered the arcade. Zayn followed and I trailed behind.

The boys were already playing some hit the mole game, when I saw a girl playing one of the car racing games I loved and she caught my attention. She had brown wavy hair and from where I was standing I could see half of her face but I could tell she has beautiful green blue eyes, which reminded me of Louis'. She was smiling as she played and she looked around 19 or 20. Lucky for me there was a seat next to her. I happily took my opportunity and sat down in the car next to her. She quickly glanced over at me a smiled but quickly went back to playing the game. I pushed a 2 pence (I have no idea about London's currency) into the starter thingy and the game came to life. I chose my racing car and began to play. Even though I have my license in real life, I was crap at this game. I couldn't stop crashing into walls and swerving all over the place. It was a bit embarrassing actually. I crashed into another wall and sighed. I took a look at the girl still sitting next to me. She had put another pence into the starter and was playing a new game. Lucky for me. I saw that she was laughing. She wasn't laughing at me was she? She turned and smiled at me, still giggling a bit. She really was beautiful. And she looked like my type. Not that I had a type, but still. I took this as my chance. "Are you laughing at me?" I asked her with a smirk on my face. It was time to use the Styles charm. She turned her face and giggled again.

"Sorry, it's just that you're not very good at this game." she replied blushing. I chuckled at how cute she was. Her game finished. "Damn I came 2nd" she whispered to herself. I laughed again and she smiled. "I'm Lily."

"Harry." I smiled making sure my dimples showed. Louis said that apparently girls love my dimples. Not too sure why though. I looked at my watch and it was already 3.20. Bloody hell, how long were we racing for.

"You're that boy from One Direction aren't you?" she asked. No, I was hoping she didn't know who I was. "Don't worry, I'm not a massive fan or anything, I've just herd a song or two and I've seen your posters around. So I'm not going to jump you or anything." she laughed and I laughed with her. Phew

"Yeah I am and nah I was never worried. Actually I wouldn't mind if you jumped me." I winked at her. She blushed and turned her head trying to hide her cheeks which were now a pinker colour. "Actually I need to go before this place gets crowded but maybe you can help me improve on my reckless driving sometime." I said in the most flirtasious way I could.

"Sure" she smirked and I pulled out my phone. She saved her number onto it and I sent her a text saying 'hey ;) ' so she knew my number also. After i left the arcade she sent back a 'see you soon ;)' I smiled at myself. Just then I realized that I didn't know where Zayn and Liam were. I didn't want to go back in the arcade after I just said bye so I'd just call Liam. I already had my phone out so I scrolled through my contacts looking for the 'L' section and pressed on the name. The phone rang 3 times before he picked up. "Hey Liam, where are you, I just came out of the arcade and I can't go back in cause I just said good bye to this girl. So where are you?" I asked through the phone. There was laughing at the other end.

"Sorry mate, this isn't Liam" a familiar voice told me. I paused for a second.

"Sorry Louis, I must've pressed your name instead of Liam's. Hope I wasn't interrupting anything." whoops.

"Nah it's all good, you weren't interrupting anything." he paused for a moment but quickly spoke again. "I got to go but I'll see ya when I get home" he said.

"yeah alright, see ya then." I hung up the phone and scrolled through my contacts again. This time making sure I press on Liam's name. The phone rang only 2 times and he picked up. "Hey Liam where are you?" I asked him. I wasn't going to explain myself again. Too much effort.

"Hey Harry, me and Zayn are just sitting in the car. You coming?"

"Yeah I'll be there in five." I hung up the phone and skipped towards the doors that led to the parking lot. I didn't actually skip but I was so happy I wouldn't be surprised if I was without noticing.

I reached the car and hoped in. I smiled at Zayn who was in the passengers seat and than at Liam who was diagonal from me in the back seat. They both returned the gesture and I started driving home. "thanks for letting me come today guys. I really appreciate it." I let them know.

"Don't sweat it, it was fun having you here. "Zayn said and I smiled at him and then at Liam who was already smiling at me nodding. I turned up the music and we just sang to whatever was on the radio for the rest of the way home.

Thanks for those reading, I hope it's not too much of the same thing but Im going to try make it different x But if you do have suggestions, please comment and let me know :) Next chapter will be up soon

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