Chapter 1: The Cabin in the Woods

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Wanda Maximoff

When I woke up, I was covered in rubble. I couldn't see any light, only a blinding darkness. My hair was draped over my face, and I tried to move it, but I was stuck in place, unable to do anything.

I tried using my magic, but I couldn't get it strong enough. Using all my strength, I pushed the rock off from my chest, sliding off and crashing into the stone bricks below.

I knew where I had to go.

Agatha. She was the only person who I could trust. Even though she betrayed me, I knew she could help me. She understands my pain, understands the Darkhold. So how was I going to get to her without being spotted, you might ask? Well, I am pretty sure Agatha already did that, and she was cheering me on for killing those people. Or something. So I know where to meet her.

My cabin.

I teleported back to my secluded forest and waited for Agatha. When she finally arrived, she spoke in an eerie tone.

"I knew you would need me," Agatha said,

"Well, you were right." Wanda replied.

"Oh, I know!" Agatha said as a matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, I kind of went a little mad," she said, smiling and rolling her eyes at herself.

"Yeah, the way you killed each person was very creative," Agatha said back.

"Yup," Wanda said.

"So, what did you really need me for?" Agatha asked.

"I read something in the Darkhold. The only way I will ever be free from the evils and darkness is if I-" Not even finishing her sentence.

"You're not suggesting that?" Agatha asked, a little scared knowing what Wanda was about to say.

"I know, but it's the only way," Wanda said, emphasizing her vowels.

"I know," Agatha said

"We need to beat Chthon," Wanda said. "He's still out there somewhere."

"So when do we get started?" Agatha asked

"Now." Wanda said

Peter Parker

I sat in class, bored out of my mind. University wasn't as fun or exciting as it made out to be. It was still a mystery how I even got in. I mean, I didn't even finish high school. There aren't any records of me anymore. Not after what Dr. Strange did. One day I just got an acceptance letter.

I have put no thought into why. I mean, it really doesn't matter, does it?

The professor was talking about something I didn't care about. Maybe it was some new coding stuff, or maybe it was something about quantum physics. I understood it all already. There wasn't any need to listen.

My notebook was empty of the notes supposed to be there. Instead, it was filled with drawings. Usually I just mindlessly doodled, but today I was constructing an elaborate pen-scape of the young guy's head I was sitting in front of.

It reminded me of how MJ always used to draw people in distress in detention. I felt myself about to tear up, but I pushed it back.

I missed her so much.

Professor Bumble's boring monotone voice suddenly became interesting when he said, "The Multiverse could definitely be possible."

I looked up, my eyes wide.

"Peter, nice of you to finally join us," he said, rolling his ugly, wrinkly eyes.

I ignored him and kept listening.

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