Chapter 4: Spider-Man is an Absolute Lunatic

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The moment Spider-Man said something about memories, I knew something was up that Agatha wasn't telling me.

I didn't like that she was lying to me. It made me trust her less.

I saw Wanda just staring into the distance thinking about something. I probably don't want to know what it is.

Agatha walked over to me, and I smiled.

"Would like‌ to stay the night here?" she asked.

My heart fluttered. "Uh, okay. Sure." She held out her hand, and I took it.

We started walking to the cabin until Agatha spoke up.

"Hey are you coming Wanda?"

"I'll be inside in a bit," Wanda replied.

"Okay, is everything alright?" Agatha asked.

"Yup, I just need to think," Wanda said.

"You think way too much!" Agatha responded.

Wanda smiled. "It's what I like to do. You guys go ahead."

Stephen Strange

I was anxious. Wanda was alive, and that was scary. What if she tried to take over the world again? She couldn't be trusted, not after what she did. She holds way too much power.

I don't know where she stands in the line of good and evil. Like she could just become evil any second, but she could also be good. Why am I thinking about this so hard? I'm so smart. This should be easy. Maybe I need to confront her again and not get defeated this time. I think this is a responsible plan, forgetting all the consequences of facing her and asking for her help. Last time, I gave her the exact location of the kid she was trying to kill. That was really dumb of me.

I went off on my journey to find Wanda.

The first place I checked was her cabin. Because I am so smart, she was there, and I glared at her.

"Ugh, why does everyone keep trying to see me?" she said boringly.

"Because you're very suspicious, and last time I checked, you were trying to kill a 15-year-old girl," I said smartly.

"I know Stephen, and I felt bad for what I did," she responded

"We've been over this a thousand times, Wanda."

"Then why do you keep asking?" she responded smartly.

Crap, she outsmarted me.

"Did you know, dear America was just over here a few minutes ago?"


"Yeah, she was with Spider-Man, you know, the guy in the red and blue suit you were with earlier."

"I'm not stupid. I know who Spider-Man is. Stop trying to play with me, Wanda."

I was mad. Why did America go off with idiot Spider-Man? I sighed, then I levitated off the ground. America wasn't safe with that lunatic, I thought to myself.

"I had the same thought."

"Wait what?" I said back.

"I can read minds, Stephen," Wanda said smartly.

Dang it! She outsmarted me again! I rolled my eyes, then flew off.

I had to find that webhead and get America back. Wong was at fault for letting her out of his sight. Where was Wong, anyway? He's never around the Kamar-Taj or even the Sanctum anymore.

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