scenario: how you met

943 18 2

word count: 1360

have an amazing time reading! :)


sano shinichiro x

• the very first time he met you was during middle school, you were a new transfer student that was already popular with your peers from your talkative and understanding nature.
• while you were walking through the hallway, you saw him blushing at you with bruises and blood oozing out of them, you quickly ran over to him and handed him your handkerchief so he could clean his scars and not get them infected.
• he took your handkerchief nervously and stumbled over his words as he tried to say thank you, you smiled at him and walked away from him to catch up to your friends.
• ever since he first spoke to you, he had a huge crush on you and would always be watching you to see if you were okay or doing good.
• he never had the courage to ask you out because he was scared that you would think of him as a loser for asking you out, so he just decided to crush on you from afar.
• when you both were put in a project together with a few others two years later, you struck up a conversation and you both became closer while his feelings grew stronger for you.

akashi takeomi x

• you met him while you were fixing a car up and smoking a cigarette in your shop, he intruded and asked if you are open.
• you came from underneath the car and looked at him in disappointment while taking the cigarette out between your fingers, you pointed at the sign that said close and went back under the car.
• he bent down in front of the car and smirked at you while you fixed the car, you put your wrench down and frowned at him checking you out.
• you came from underneath the car and sat up with your eyes moving onto him, you spat out your cigarette on the floor and stomped on it while asking what the hell does he want with you.
• he happily told you that you are beautiful while getting up and thanking you for 'the show' you gave him and how he'll be a regular from now on, you watched him walk out of your shop with a smug smirk on his face and a look disgust across your face.
• after that, the man came everyday because he had taken an interest in how you were a good mechanic and a beautiful mechanic too with an unfiltered mouth.

imaushi wakasa x

• you met him from watching his gang members beat on other gang members, you sadly had intervened and got in the way by ordering him to stop beating on them.
• when he said that if you don't move and you will join them, you threw your backpack at his face angrily from him threatening you, he chuckled scarily at you throwing your bookbag at his face and looked at the blood on his fingers.
• he threatened that he would kill you and hearing that, it made you dart off in fright with you leaving all of your shit with him.
• through that night, you were completely scared of that he would come out and kill you while he was rummaging through your things and calling a picture of you pretty.
• the next day, you were walking out of school with him sitting on the wall and jumping down to give your stuff, when you thought he was going to hurt you, you jumped back and hid your face but he walked away with a bored expression, before he left, you apologized and told him to be careful with the gang stuff.
• after that, he came everyday to your school to talk to you and to hang out with you, he soon developed feelings of you but your brother, keizo found out that you were talking to his rival and showed up to your school while you were laughing and talking to waka.

arashi keizo x

• he met you while you were still pregnant with your 2-year old that you kept from a previous relationship, he was going home from just beating up a gang that beat up one of his gang members.
• while he was going home, he saw you sitting on a bench alone shivering in the cold weather, he was going to walk away and let you freeze to death but he walked over to you and threw his coat over you.
• you looked up at him and saw him staring down at you holding onto your pregnant belly, he scratched the back of his head and asked you where's your parents and husband at.
• you looked down at your feet and told him that your mother put you out because you were pregnant and your ex that got you pregnant wants nothing to do with it.
• he looked down at your bare, bloodied feet and turned his back to you while getting on one knee, you stared at him in bewilderment and asked what he's doing, he asked if you wanted to die out here in this cold and you responded that you don't trust him.
• he immediately told you that he doesn't need anything from you and how'd he just rather not see you die out here when he could've did something to help you, you blushed at his kindness and decided to get on his back while threatening that if he hurts you and your baby that you are still strong and crazy enough to kill him, he replied by saying whatever.

shiba taiju x

• he met you when he was a kid, you rendered him unconscious in a split second because he called you an ugly nigga bitch and spat on you which was all because he didn't like the way you had a blank stare on your face.
• since he had heard for a long time you had made a gang yourself and a name for yourself, he wanted to dominate you and make you feel useless like you made him.
• he learned of your gang's hideout and went there with many of his members to mess up your meeting, as soon as he got there, a huge brawl broke out.
• while you kept putting down each of his members with a blank stare, he became enraged and got involved so he could see you make a face of fright, pain, sadness and terror.
• he charged at you with multiple punches while threatening that he's going to wipe that smug expression off of your face but you dodged all of his punches and asked him why is he so obsessed with you if he's not interested in you.
• just as he grabbed ahold of your arm and got ready to punch you in your face, you brought your leg up and kicked him in his chin while telling him the score is now 2-0 while watching him fall unconscious.

inui seishu x

• his older sister's best friend was your older sister's best friend, you both knew of each other's existence but you two never saw each other and met until high school.
• he met you while you were at his sisters grave with your older sister, laying flowers and praying to the upper power to keep her safe.
• as your sister stayed a little to weep, you walked away and gave her time to herself, you had walked past him and felt his gaze on you.
• when you glanced up and saw that he was staring at you, you smiled and bowed politely as he asked who you were and what relations do you have with his deceased sibling.
• you replied that you came to pay your respects and that you were sister's younger sister but, midway while you were speaking he turned around and walked away from you as if you were nothing to him.
• when he met you again and you were with your best friend, yuzuha, he was cold and extremely disrespectful to you, he flat-out told you that he would kill you and your sister if you choose to get in his way.


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