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ELIAS HAD NICE fingers, it was the only body part of his that I dared to stare at.

"Are you trying to copy my work?" His words stunned me out of my reverie, in a voice so husky that it left me thinking of Siberian Huskies. It probably had to do with the fact that his fingers were alongside his meticulously completed worksheets.

"Not at all," I rushed out as I averted my gaze. "Speaking of work..."

I pictured this moment before I fell asleep last night. I did as planned, reaching into my bag (that was on the floor) and allowing my chest to brush against Elias in some way. The plan executed itself successfully. By the time I emerged from down below, I had two lab reports in my hands, and a set of boobs that had lost their 'physical-touch-with-Elias' virginity.

Unfortunately, Elias must be very accustomed to females rubbing their boobs against him, because he did not react in the way I wanted him to. Actually, he didn't react at all. It was more along the lines of,

"Hey, you actually did it!"

"Ask me what I stayed up doing last night," I said under my breath, in a desperate attempt to  recreate yesterday's sexual tension.

Elias lifted his eyes from the lab reports to look into mine. Note to self: never say anything that would cause Elias to stare into your eyes ever again. The moment his eyes met mine, my limbs became jelly and my heart began palpitating in my throat. I gulped what felt like incoming hyperventilation. 

"What did you stay up doing last night?"

But there was no sexual tension. Just a bunch of nerves (on my end) and what looked like amusement (on his end).

"The lab reports," I tried to inject some semblance of huskiness in my voice. I ended up sounding like I had a sore throat.

"Hot," Elias uttered, before breaking into a charming smile. The very one that allowed him to charm his way up the Student Council hierarchy. It took a Herculean effort to peel my eyes away from his dimples.

But there it was - the esteemed Sexual Tension™. You're hotter, I wanted to say in reply. But Dr. Nguyen began talking, and that dispelled all fostered fantasies of my wedding with Elias. Kidding. Who the fuck marries these days.

Something very peculiar happened thirty minutes into Chemistry class: Elias tried to speak to me.

"So," he enlaced his fingers - not staring, but I see things in my peripheral vision, this was one of the things. "How's Richmond Park?"

Dr. Nguyen was still speaking at the front. But against the knowledge that Elias had spoken to me, Nguyen's droning about oxidation became white noise to my ears. I enlaced my fingers, because mirroring is a primal indication of a human's desire to mate.

"It's okay," I said at first.

"Yeah?" He prodded, as though knowing that I was holding back.

At that moment, I had two choices. I could lie to him and tell him that I am enjoying my time here, thus cementing this image of a carefree, simple female in his head. Or I could tell the the VP of the Student Council that their Council made outliers like myself feel alienated.

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