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I WAITED UNTIL the next morning before my second prospective Calculus tutor deigned to text back.

Hey! Sorry, I think I have a bit too much on my plate right now. There's another tutor for Calc though, I think he's better than me too! :) Good luck.

I wanted to fling my phone outside the window. For the rest of the day, I habored this silent death wish that was silent (for Jaxon, not for myself) in silence. Finally, in the afternoon when I have retired from my classes, I lost my shit.

I typed a furious text to Jaxon.

Why are you the only Calc tutor on school grounds this is bullshit can you die

His reply came an hour later.

Lol you're pathetic

It only made me more furious. If this was anyone else, I wouldn't bother. Sadly I really needed help with Calculus and my teacher was useless. I knew if I told anyone, they'd pin the blame on me for being rude in the first place. All of this just made me want to kill myself even more.

I took in a deep breath, and realized that... Jaxon wasn't the one with shit to lose here. It was me. So I sucked my shit back into my asshole and composed a NICE text for the fucker.

I'm sorry if I ever came off as rude. Can we start anew? As friends? I really do need help with Calculus, and my teacher referred me to the tutors on the notification board. I know you owe me nothing and I know I've been nothing but disrespectful, so I understand if you may not want to physically meet up. I was wondering if you can just explain certain Calc questions over text? :)

I felt so disgusted with myself that I had to take a shower to scrub off the diabetes I just typed out to Jaxon, the true manifestation of a manchild and a neckbeard. When I reemerged from the shower, I saw that Jaxon had replied. I didn't dare to open until I was fully clothed. (T-shirt with bible quote and pink sweatpants).

Hey sure thing, friend! :) Since you begged so hard

Up until today, I don't think I've ever met anyone who made me want to destroy my phone so badly. Fuming through my nose, I responded with an equally passive aggressive text.

Thanks for the forgiveness, friend :) Have a good day :)

I tried to study Calculus on my own afterwards. But it didn't god damn work, because I couldn't understand what the hell the letter 'e' had to do with equations. After catching myself falling asleep like five times, I decided to submit myself to a possible future with no dignity left. I reached for my cell phone.

Hello again, friend :) Can you explain why there is a symbol e in some equations? :)

My phone pinged back instantaneously.

It's basic logarithmic functions, friend :) It's denoted with base e as ln x. It has for an inverse, an exponential function of y = e^x :)

I yawned reading the text.

Brb dropping calc... friend :)

I felt hopeless. Just as I actually entertained the notion of dropping the entire subject, my phone pinged with a reply from Jaxon.

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