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MY BREATH CAUGHT when I closed my room door, shutting out a population of giggling females. They were talking about Chelsea's Instagram feed, it was 'really aesthetically pleasing' or something. Who the fuck cares. I mean -

He asked me out. Elias DuPont the single hottest male in campus asked me out. He asked he out. For the weekend. I was going to spend a weekend with him. I'll bring my books to study - but holy hell, a weekend with Elias. He said I was worthy of his time, along with some other weird things but I chose to ignore the weird statements.

I arrived at the main entrance in five minutes early. Elias was already here. He eyed me head to toe, from my hair to the Jansport on my back.

"I approve," he said with a deep nod.

I was in a sweatshirt with baggy jeans that I'd rolled high enough so they passed off as trendy jeans. I had to pair the ensemble with ballerina flats because my grandmother saw fit to eliminate any shoes that looked remotely harsh or unisex. This unfortunately included many of my branded sneakers.

"Your clothes are so unmatching I love it," Elias told me after we got into his car. It was a Bentley this time, I know this because I was given one of these things for my sixteenth birthday. So I decided to brag about my knowledge.

"It's a Bentley," I told Elias.

He diverted his gaze from the road to give me an amused expression. "Well, yes, very observant. It is indeed a Bentley."

There was a mocking edge to his voice. "Shut the fuck up," I crossed my arms. "I'm not a car person okay?"

Elias, once again did not reply like I expected. "Love it when you cuss, so perfect."

I couldn't handle it anymore. "Why are you being so weird? What's happening?"

He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "Okay, so... disclaimer, I'm not asking you out in the conventional sense. I actually need your help, hence the desperation."

"No shit."

"You'll be perfect for it," he turned just to flash me a smile.

He either had an extremely short attention span or he was trying to avoid the topic. Luckily I was perceptive enough to realize. I wouldn't let him get away. Not this time. "You were about to elaborate on whatever dodgy job you're dragging my ass into."

Elias turned on the radio, and the car was instantly filled with rap music. He clenched his jaws, reached the end of the interstate, before he began.

"So my parents are kind of a big deal, I'm just going to say that they own a building in Silicon Valley - "

"Okay, you rich kid."

Elias laughed, it was strained. "Anyways, so they're also kind of crazy and traditional. They want me to marry by 21, which is crazy if you ask me," Elias said this with difficulty. "I don't wanna settle down at 21 man, who the hell does that?"

"I hope this isn't what I think this is."

He barely paid mind to my words. "So this weekend, it's my dad's birthday. Big ass deal, my family would never miss something like this. I'm talking about extended family and all. It's going to be at Fairmont Hotel, like it has been for the past 5 years. I have really low hopes for you, Andrea," he finished his monologue with a grin.

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