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MY FIRST INSTINCT was to call the cops.

But common sense displaced the thought. I forced myself out of bed. As I neared the entrance to my balcony, I ran a hand through my hair. Feeble attempts at curtailing a rat's nest. Upon closer inspection, the figure was male, tall, and stocky.

It could only be one person: Marc.

I slid open the glass door, allowing him in.

For several heart raging seconds, we just stared into each other's eyes. Then I stepped forward and slapped him.

Or at least, I tried to. He caught my hand with ease, almost as though he was expecting the act of violence. The corners of his lips lifting into a smirk I was so familiar with.

"You asshole," I hissed. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you."

He brought my raised hand back to my sides, before clearing his throat and leading the both of us to my bed, whereupon we took our seats at the edge. Static silence followed.

"What do you want?" I finally asked, unfortunately not as maliciously as I'd intended.

He twiddled his thumbs, not meeting my gaze. "To say hi."


I'd responded to all of his texts the moment I got my cellphone changed. In return, I got the silent treatment. Almost as though I was being punished for being unable to communicate with him through a cracked screen. My face twisted into a scowl as I recalled all my calls to him that went to voicemail, all the texts I'd sent that went unanswered, my visit to his school that got brushed away... how desperate must a girl get clear a fucking misunderstanding?

"Uh huh."

"So you're being all passive aggressive now then?"

"Don't be like this Andie. I was shit scared myself when I thought all of us were going to get sued or sent to jail."

"You could get sent to jail but my dad's gonna pay them to shut up." I shrugged. "So no, none of you are getting sued much less sent to jail."

"How do you know?" His tone was unnecessarily accusatory.

"He's not even going to let this get brought to court, trust me. Too risky for his reputation."

More static filled the silence. Then finally, finally, he conceded. "Okay. I'm sorry."

I jumped away when he tried to touch my arm, diving for the shelter of my covers.

"Andie," Marc poked my back through my duvet. "C'mon. I feel bad. Don't do this."

I ignored him.

"Truthfully, I never intended to ghost you for that long but, so much time passed and I just, really didn't know how to apologize," Marc's hands were roaming closer to an unwelcomed spot.

"No tickling," I warned from under the covers.

But my warning seemed to fall on deaf ears. The next thing I knew, I was howling from laughter. His hands were on both of my sides, eliciting these peals of laughter that didn't sound womanly, much less human.

Mother would throw a fit if she could hear the way I howled - so unladylike. Alas, we had soundproof walls and my room was situated on a whole other wing from my mother's quarters. I could get murdered in here and she would be none the wiser. 

"Say you forgive me," Marc said as intrusive hands continued to poke and prod at my ticklish spots.

"I forgive you!" I finally choked out, breathlessly and with great difficulty.

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