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A LOUD SCREAM pierced the West wing of the DuPont mansion early on a Saturday morning.

I cracked both eyelids open, revelling in the softness of satin sheets against one's bare skin. I stretched my limbs, longing for more sleep. Beyond my door, there was a ruckus.

"I want this room!" It was a feminine voice belonging to a child.

"No! I want this room." A slightly older, male voice returned.

"I came here first," the first voice protested.

There was a crash, followed by muffled profanities. And then more crashes that seemed to be coming closer to my door. I forced myself to sit upright, to take in the DuPont's third guest room which now had warm sunshine pouring through sheer curtains. I yawned.

"But I'm older, so I get this room."

Off the bed my foot went, landing on a soft, sheepskin rug. I wasn't wearing anything, per usual. I slept best nude, I couldn't even remember the last time I voluntarily covered my body in fabric to sleep. It was ridiculous.

"Why can't we take this room again?" The girl asked. Her voice seemed to originate from... right outside my door.

"Dunno, let's find out," the older male, assumably a sibling said.

I realized, within a split second, what was going to transpire. I couldn't remember if I locked the door last night. Before I had time to widen my eyes and hyperventilate, the room door flew open. Beyond the doorframe stood a teenager, maybe fifteen, whose eyes had landed straight on me.

Time stood still for a very long time - on his end anyway. His jaws parted, then they closed. I hastily grabbed the duvet, trying by best to cover what I could from his eyes. The boy seemed to have the signature DuPont brunette hair and hazel eyes.

"I'm so sorry," he said quickly before shutting the door.

"What's in there?" the female voice asked.

"Nothing. It's occupied."

"By who?" The girl demanded, petulantly.

"No idea."

"I wanna see!"

"Uh - "

Before I could react, the door was flung open for the second time, this time revealing a girl, maybe ten. She had pigtails, with designer shades draped over her hair. She was dressed in pink dungarees and what appeared to be Stuart Weitzman boots. The epitome and height of a brat, basically.

Her jaws parted like her brother's did prior. I was covered in a modest fashion this time, thankfully, by the duvet.

"Who on EARTH are you?"

I blinked at the girl, wondering if this place even had adults.

I was about to reply politely, before I recalled that I had a shitty fiancée role to play.

"Oh, fuck off. You'll know who I am when your family introduces me," I sniffed at the kid. "By the way keep the noise down, you woke me up."

The kid's jaw dropped. But I could tell she wasn't one to back down, this one had fire. She strode up to me, petulant facial expression turning sourer by the second.

"Do you know who I am?" The ten year old or something asked. "Do you know what my daddy can do?"

"Uh, Sabine," the male peeped in. "Aunt's coming."

Just like that, the kid called Sabine rushed out and slammed my door shut. There was another ruckus beyond the door, supposedly an aunt handling both kids. I sighed to myself before making my way to the en suite.

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