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CASSIE WAS YELLING at Jaxon in the middle of the cafeteria. Well, not really. But they were in proximity, relative to my position where I was queueing for lunch.

"How about you keep your dick in your pants?" Cassie demanded. This was the same Cassie who was making out with Jaxon when I first entered the SCroom.

"First of all, we are not dating, so you do not have jurisdiction over my actions," Jaxon replied. He almost sounded annoyed. "Second of all, I didn't fuck anyone last night okay?"

"Oh, so you want me to believe that some girl stayed in your room and you two did what, paint each other's nails?"

"What girl? Jesus."

It was entertaining to watch until I realized there was a fat possibility that I may be the girl in question. I quickly pried my gaze away.

"There was a girl - " Cassie insisted exasperatedly. "Right, Trevor? You saw right?"

There was a long beat of silence before a male voice spoke up. "Uh... now that I think about it, it may have been a guy that he was walking with. I dunno, man. It was so early. Yeah, it was definitely a guy. Not a girl."

Cassie screeched.

This was when another voice joined in.

"What's happening here?"

It was sickly and sweet. It could only belong to one person. I forced myself to search the scene for the owner of the voice. I guessed correctly - it was none other than Chelsea the president of Student Council.

She had her blond curls loose today. They tumbled down her back like a waterfall. Her hair, her posture, her uniform, her smile - every aspect of her being was impeccably and immaculate. I hated people like her.

"Nothing, Chelsea," Jaxon supplied.

This angered Cassie greatly. "YOUR ASS THINKS IT'S NOTHING!"

Jaxon exhaled deeply before he shook his head. "It really is nothing. Are we done here?"

Before Cassie could reply, Chelsea cut her off.

"Looks like it really is nothing then! Have a good day, the both of you."

Chelsea's smile was so wide and so fake. I didn't miss the way she leaned over to whisper something into Cassie's ears. One that rendered Cassie pale as a sheet.

"No, no, no," Cassie pled at whatever Chelsea told her.

But everyone was leaving the scene. If Cassie didn't leave, she would be the only person in the middle of the cafeteria. So she was wise to leave, too. I sighed to myself when the drama was over, focusing my attention once more on the line before me.


After lunch, I decided to check my phone's notifications. It had been an impossibly long day and all I wanted, right now, was to curl into my sheets and sleep until tomorrow morning. But,


There will be a meeting tonight. It will be at Room 203, Block B. Please be present by 8.00PM sharp. Attendance compulsory for the newcomer.

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