Non canon fluff drabble

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This isn't a cannon chapter. It's a oneshot of (Y/N) and Asahi bc i'm bored and don't want to sleep <3.


I get out of my car and knock on the door of the house I basically live in. Mrs. Azumane opens the door and lets me in. I thank her and take off my shoes.

I tiptoe to Asahi's room and try to quietly open the door. Key word. Try. His floor squeaked very loudly and I sighed. Asahi opened the door to see what was up. His hair was all over the place.

"Surprise?" I say, disappointed that I wasn't able to be sneaky. He laughs at me and picks me up. "Shut the door, will you? I don't want any more embarrassing pictures taken without us knowing," I whine to my boyfriend. He closes the door and I kiss his nose. We lay on his bed and I cuddle him.

"How are you my love?" He asks and I smile at the petname.

"I'm very good, 'Sahi, how are you?" 

"I was good and sleeping, but someone decided to come visit and wake me up," He teases. 

"Luckily that someone is your boyfriend and you love me," I tease back "We can nap if you want," I suggest. He thinks for a bit before nodding.

~~ Time skip to after the nap ~~

After a few hours we wake up. I feel myself completely wrapped around Asahi. This man is the best pillow ever I swear. I don't move until he starts to get up.

"How was your nap?" I ask him.

"It was good," He responds. I kiss his cheek before rolling on top of him. I dig my face into his chest and breathe in his cologne. He smells so good. "How was yours?"

"Mine was good, you're always so cuddly," I mumbled into his chest.

"That's good," I feel him start to pet my hair. I look up at him and smile.

"I love you 'Sahi"

"I love you too, (N/N)"

Fluff chapter

More actual chapters coming soon :3.

Kageyama's trans!Brother || Asahi Azumane x ftm!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now