welcome back.

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Porche run as fast as he can.
He does not know Wayne records his tracts.

He swim 100 meters.
Stayed under water for 2 minutes and 24 second. First attempt. Second attempt almost three minutes and made it 3 27 seconds in third attempt.

That is his first day.

On the second day his run get fast by a meter and he stayed under water 4 minutes his longest time.

Everyday he get better. Untill he reached his old record.
When he was younger he stayed 8minutes under water.

His body adjusted. And his kicks are higher. He can control his body even better

Three weeks has passed

His doctor came.

"Doc you are early." He said to the doctor

"I need to.  Wayne said you changed your activities I need to see the damages." The doctor said and winked.

He was checked under MRI scan.
And he is good to be killed now.

We mean good to go back to his work now.

"Now that you are in perfect health. What is your plan?" Wayne asked.

"I had my words to the Master." Porche said.

"Or you can get the hell out of this life?" Wayne said.

"Wayne you uncle and brother are at stake here. If I don't comply to my words. Isn't it easy for them to wipe you away?" Porche asked.

Wayne smiled
"You have a point. If one of leaves. That means we destroyed. The DNA. Strand. One blood." Wayne said.

Porche nod his head.

The next day.

Porche picked his watch
His wallet belt bag that always hangs on his chest

Then smiled
"Thank you I found a cousin. I will do my best for you guys and Chay." He said.

"Do not be killed too young." He said

Porche nods.

He opened his phone.

Lots of ignored messages from Kinn.

8 in the evening.
He walked to the bar Rong Muang2.

The bouncer almost hugged him.

But he is let in without invitation or card. Only those who have cards can come in.

"He-hey!" The barista recognized him.
And news  on the guards and crew of the bar spread. Porche is here!

The party started.

Not long, his phone rings. He can't answer it. It vibrated

"Damn you Porche the news reached the young master Kinn now ride your bike alone went to Rong Muang.

That asshole really wants you risked his life to see you now we are on stand by.
Wayne again

Porche looked around and saw the two bikers. He bought them drinks.
They raised their glass at him

20 minutes has passed.

"Are you alone?" A voice asked behind him.

Porche gave a poker face
But drinked the half of vodka on his glass.

The man looked frustrated and pulled him to the  VIP.
Now all guards at ease.

They pass through it and walked in the far secret pass. Through where the first Porche pulled Kinn to save him.

Obsessed (KinnPorche)FFWhere stories live. Discover now