fresh air

539 27 3



"Ay Porche!!!!"

"Anybody there please call Porche!"

A shout from inside the room.

The door opened and Porche get in holding a tray of food.
Then the door is closed and locked.

"I need to go to the bathroom na" the guy on bed said.

Porche smiled.
He guide the guy to the toilet and help him.
The guy is a bit shy but he is used to Porche now.

Porche then helped him wash up.

"Mm" Porche whispered in his ears.

"Tell me what you want Porche" the guy asked.

Porche just smiled and kiss his cheeks then guide him back to bed.

Make him sit down and and feed him.

"I will be back na." Porche said

But he is held in the arms.
*Please don't leave me na"  the guy said.

Porche smiled.
" I will be back" Porche said.

The guy then let go of Porche.
He watch Porche get out of the room.

He felt a bit dizzy again.
But he looked at the door waiting for Porche to comeback.

The door opened.
After countless minutes.
He smiled.

But he saw not Porche

"Aw the smile faded. Porche will be back na. Wait just a bit. I need to check on you." The doctor said.

"You are doing well. Keep it up." The doctor said.

The doctor is about to clean the wound.
The door opened.

"Doc you know I can do that properly." Porche voice is filled with possessiveness.

"Okay just that." The doctor said.
He write the details on the patient's record. Then he smiled and waiid at the two.
And left.

The patient looks at Porche.
While Porche cleans the wounds.

"You scare the doctor" the patient said happily.

Porche looked at him their face are too close.
Porche reached for him and kiss him lovingly.

The patient smiled after the kiss.

Porche looked at him lovingly.

"You wanna have some fresh air?" Porche asked.

The patient smiled widely.

*I will be back." Porche said.
He get out of the room.

He is gone not too long.
Then he returned with a wheel chair.

Porche helped the patient sit on the wheelchair and placed his dextrose bag on the dextrose stand with the wheel chair.

He pushes the wheel chair carefully.

"This your room is the ICU of the shadows lair. Yes love we have a little clinic here.
The door to your right is the doctor's space." Porche pointed At a two door room.

"That room is where the patients recover. Don't wanna place you there. You'll stay in ICU till you heal.

That door is the operating room.
And this place is the waiting area
We also have a ward here."

Then a spacious receiving area.

"That is the clinic." Porche said.

They pass through the garden.
And enter another building it is a two floor.
They pass through it That is the shadows' and cleaners rooms

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