Korn and Khan and another truth

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Porche is silent but accompanies Kinn all the way.
The bodyguards are in other car.

"Porche" Kinn whispered.
Porche looked ta Kinn and they looked in each other's eyes.

Porche is still confused of what is his real relation to Kinn.
But Kinn closed their gap for a kiss.

"Whatever happens please be there for me" Kinn whispered.

He leaned his body on Porche's shoulder.

Porche throw away everything that bothers him.
Kinn needs him now.

He kissed Kinn's head softly.
Sniffs Kinn's hair.
Kinn might be chained to his dextrose but still he manages to keep his personal hygiene. With Porche's help of course.

Porche closed his eyes. And let the moment sink in his system.
When he knows what else are on stored. Will he be this close to Kinn still?

Knowing their root and damn family complicated relations

Can he be still the lover of the person he lived the most aside from his mother?

"Khun we are here." The cleaner said.
Porche nod to him.

But Porche lift Kinn's head and kissed his lips.
A stretcher bed comes near them.
The cleaner cleared his throat.

Porche kissed Kinn's forehead.

Then the door opened

They place Kinn nicely and comfortably on bed and he is taken to the physician of the hospital.

Porche Nont and Big waits outside.
Big and Nont sits on the bench while Porche walks back and forth in front of them.

"Hey calm down Khun. You know he is strong na." Big said.

Porche gave a deep sigh.

"Khun Porche it is only 10 minutes that he is inside na. Calm down." Nont said.

Both of the bodyguards stand and pulled Porche to sit down.

They tried to console Porche.

Wayne on the other hand was hugged by Porche.
"I will see you soon after all of this bullshit is done" Porche whispered.

Wayne tears fall.
They depart from the hug.
Porche need to take Kinn to the hospital.

Wayne just packed his things and his boyfriend also did.
Jom and Tempt helped them.

"We know you will never betray them" Jom said
"I did already but only to Mr. Khan and no one else." He said bitterly.

"You might have your reasons but our oath is our oath." Tempt said.

Wayne again wiped his tears.

All shadows lined up and saluted.
As Wayne is walking to his car.

"Wait up" Mr. Korn shouted
All shadows bowed as shadows respect the old boss

As so does Wayne.

"Tell me the real truth" Mr Korn said.

Wayne hugged his boss his only boss and cred.
Said his sorry while crying.

He shook his head.
"I will when I can" he said.

Wayne then proceeded guided by his boyfriend.
They leave the place.

Porche waits outside.

He received message from the cleaners leader.
"All are clean. We have no idea what is Wayne's motive."

Then another message
Jom texted him Wayne just left.

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