job description

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Two bodies One blood. -Porche

One Blood two bodies. -Kinn.

Not related but Knitted -Porche.

Knitted but not related.  -Kinn.

The two recites as they prepare for the shipment for the night.

Porch stood in the quarter facing the door. He is in the middle.
While Ken and Big on both his sides.
And beside Ken Nont
Beside Big Pete.

The door opened all moved  on the side. Kinn passes through.

Ken and Big are with Kinn in the car.
Porche Pete and Nont on the other car. First car that leaves

Then two more cars. Follows the young Master's.

All cars identity but plate numbers.

Porche smirked he saw a familiar car Wayne's.

"Oh. The bikers are here." Nont said excitedly.

"You have to see them fight" he said.

Porche just smirked. He cannot say he was the one they watched that night. Wait. Nont is a good fighter himself.

"I have seen some of them. They saved my life. But I have not seen their faces." Porche said.

"The property guardians." Pete said.

"But one of them always saves Khun Kinn." Nont said.

"How can you say always there are many of them and they look the same." Porche said.

"Ehem!" Pete teases him.
"Are you somehow jealous that Khun Kinn was being saved by someone else?" Pete asked.

"No!" Porche said
"Just look at them even their bikes are the same." Porche said.

"I even thought one of them was you" Nont said.

Porche laughed.

"Their skills are different mung.. and all I know is survival." Porche said.

Nont keep it that he knows that day it was Porche
He did not insist cause he does not wanna be teased.  But looking at Porche right now and those guys.

Yeah that might not really be him.
He brushed the thought off
Time to be serious.

The car stopped.
Porche walked two big steps and he opened the door for Kinn. He stand in front of Kin while Ken on the other side And Big on the other side. Kinn is coated with walking guards.

"You know what to do." Kinn whispered.

"I was oriented yesterday young master" Porche responded.

Kinn smirked.

All spread and made way for Kinn.
While Kinn walked to check the shipment.
Porche felt something is odd.
He lift his hands. And the bikers get closer

Kinn is coated in black darker suites Porche is Infront of them all holding one of the guns they just received. Placed the silencer on And fired on one of the box one of the bikers brought.

He hand the gun to Kinn.

Kinn was stunned and so the other bodyguards.

All back in their places and the guns are loaded. It was a quality test.

I take it back it was Porche that night.
Nont said in his mind.

"How the hell did you work with them that way?" Big asked.

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