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"Khun Kinn. We are here" Big said.

Another day of work but today. Not just work it is pay back time.
The west.

Porche family dealt with the local mafia and Porche father's death. But the small mafia never stopped.

Kinn is so pissed off about last night. So he pour out his unending madness.

How many people di he just kick and po unch without any warning. he fights like a street brute scumbag, which is not really him.

He is on rogue. And so does his bodyguards now even the prime can't stop him. So they joined him and the second line.

Till they reached the boss. Room.

The boss is drowned in his drugs.

"Just pick him up and we will talk to him when he is sober." Kinn said

The second line picked the boss up and placed him on the cars trunk.

The shadows just watch

"Porche calm down." Temp said.

Porche grabbed his phone and called Kinn.

"Getting rogue huh?" He asked.

"Show yourself my better half." Kinn said.

"Be safe." Porche just said and end the call.

Kinn and the guys leave. The cleaners came. Then the shadows leave. But Porche run his bike beside the cars and then got lost.

"That is Porche" Big said.

Kinn looked outside the window.

"All cleaned." Ken announced. He received a text.
When Porche was with them it was Porche who reports these things.

They interrogated the boss and now know who is the real man behind this.

Only the five of them knows. Pete. Nont. Ken .Big and him. Kinn

"Let him live" Kinn said.

The second line Bodyguards damped the guy in front of his house. Bruised and sleeping beside the door.
It was 2:am.

Kinn take his long bath when they get home.

"What did you do Khun?" A voice asked.

Kin smiled.

"Join me love" he said.

"I can't" the voice said.

"Why not? Are you just gonna watched me love?" Kinn asked.

"I can watch you all night." The guy said.

"I miss you Porche" Kinn said.
He leaned his head on the edge of the bathtub.

Porche kiss him.

"Please join me here" Kinn whispered.

"I can't love.i have to leave. I just came by to visit you." Porche plants small kisses on Kinn's face

"Love please " Kinn moaned.
Porche leaned more closer his hands run on Kinn's skin. Finding the hard staff. And he found it.
He kiss Kinn passionately as he handjob Kinn

"Porche." Kinn moaned.

"Please...  Porche" he pleads.

Porche kisses Kinn face to his neck.

"I want more" Kinn groaned.
He moved his body and he is cumming hugging Porche neck.

"I have to leave. Keep it opened for me. I might come anytime" Porche whispered.

Obsessed (KinnPorche)FFWhere stories live. Discover now